One of the most significant things we can do to be IdleNoMore is - TopicsExpress


One of the most significant things we can do to be IdleNoMore is to be prepared to vote to get Prime Minister Stephen Harper out of office and get the Conservatives out of power. You decide who to vote for, Liberals or NDP. Remember, the Liberals do not want to share resources with Aboriginals, they have proven it when they decided to challenge Grassy Narrows in what was a significant landmark ruling for Anishnawbe/Aboriginals in Ontario. It seems that Liberals didnt like the idea of Aboriginals having control over their natural resources, so they dragged Aboriginals back to court. We lost. However, all is not lost when it comes to resource sharing, the NDP has committed to resource sharing with Aboriginals. “Addressing issues like the fair sharing of revenues with First Nations is an issue of sustainability,” said Mulcair, adding that it is “as important” as the environmental aspect of sustainable development. thestar/news/canada/2013/01/14/ndp_leader_mulcair_raps_tories_for_stance_on_resource_sharing.html Also in 1969, then Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau (father of now running Justin Trudeau) and his Minister of Indian Affairs, Jean Chrétien, unveiled a policy paper that proposed ending the special legal relationship between Aboriginal peoples and the Canadian state and dismantling the Indian Act. Its taken the Liberals up to till 2014 to reject that paper - obviously there was some great struggle, hesitancy in doing so. Aboriginals will come to a pivotal point with our governments when they come in large numbers to vote. Having control through the voting process will force governments hand to do serious work with us because they will know that Aboriginals understand that our power is in the stroke of our pen. Join us NDP Aboriginal Commission https://facebook/groups/ndpapc/
Posted on: Sun, 07 Sep 2014 15:34:07 +0000

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