One of the most subtle and abominable sins is spiritual pride. And - TopicsExpress


One of the most subtle and abominable sins is spiritual pride. And yet it is not uncommon among God’s people. We become proud of our gifts, our attainments, our work for the Redeemer Lord, what we have given to God, and what He has done through us. What pride it is when we pat ourselves on the back in word, thought or attitude, when blessings come from the Master Himself. Our pride is an insult to the Holy One, and robs Him of His Glory. Spiritual pride of denomination, non-denomination, or inter-denomination is a major reason that the Heavenly Father has not always answered our prayers. Sometimes we seem to think that Yahweh should bless through me, or my group; and if He worked through another group, we should be quite hurt, and disappointed. This shows the falsity of our motives, and our pride. True humility in Scripture means submission to Yahweh God. James presents it this way: “Yahweh God opposes the proud, but gives grace to the humble. Submit therefore to Yahweh God.” James 4:6-7 If we would be humble, let us submit to God. Submission means death to “self” - an essential condition for Believers discipleship. What a terrible mistake it is for us to seek to preserve our carnal natures. We are commanded to reckon ourselves dead to sin - death to the carnal nature. But we are to yield ourselves (gladly) to God Romans 6:11, 13; or as Paul exhorts: “Present your bodies a living and holy sacrifice, acceptable to Yahweh God.” Romans 12:1 Pride is the enemy of these requirements. Pride would seek to justify itself. In a life of continuous submission to God, there is no room for pandering to the flesh. If we are indeed sub-missive to the Redeemer Master, no matter what assails us - circumstances, or men’s evil words, thoughts and actions, we will remain at His feet in humility. Our lives will take on a spiritual outlook, and we will abhor the things that seek to promote our flesh and pride. When we take the deliberate step of humbling ourselves, by submission to Yahweh God, our lives will be prepared for the next import­ant condition for revival
Posted on: Mon, 01 Jul 2013 14:32:55 +0000

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