One of the most unfortunate and downright ridiculous accusations - TopicsExpress


One of the most unfortunate and downright ridiculous accusations against Israel is that it violates UN resolutions with impunity. The press, UN agencies and their likes will point at the whole plethora of resolutions against Israel and scream, “look at Israel, it’s a rogue state which violates international law and decisions by UN”. Even when the resolutions are so silly as not to be entertained by any sane person, they still scream at Israel. Sometimes when one thinks of this fixation on doing Israel in at any time it sits in a forum, one wonders whether this body was created specifically to demonize Israel and destroy it. One wonders what an entity standing out there somewhere and watching its activities will conclude about this body as it sits in Geneva or New York. The entity is bound to conclude that this body of humanity was solely created for the censure and destruction of a tiny part of the globe located in Middle East called Israel and will wonder why. Be that as it may, these accusations by UN against Israel are never scrutinized before the press chants it across the globe and all kinds of uninformed/misinformed pack of humanity will swallow them and start screaming at Israel. What are those resolutions Israel violates by the way? Resolutions passed by UN are set in degrees; there are binding and non-binding resolutions. All resolutions passed by the United Nations General Assembly are non-binding. An example is the resolution 181 passed in 1947 which recommended the partition of the then Palestine into Jewish and Arab states. They do not have force of international law and are mere recommendations without any legal basis or authority. Of all these kinds of resolutions passed by UNGA since its inception in 1945 more than 65% of it was just targeted at one country out of its 193 members; Israel and of course Israel will tell them to shove it at any time as it is its right because the resolutions are non-binding, not international law and is just a political statement. United Nations Security Council is another UN body who passes international resolutions. All its resolutions including those passed under chapter six are non-binding except those passed under chapter seven. UNSC is made up of five permanent members and ten other non permanent members. Two example of its resolutions passed under chapter 6 are that of 242 and 338 concerning the Arab Israeli wars and that of resolution 47 passed in 1948 concerning Pakistan-Indian-Kashmir conflict. That of Israeli-Arab wars was adopted because all parties concerned consented to it. In contrast to those of chapter six and others, UNSC resolutions passed under chapter 7 are binding and has force of international law backing it and can be enforced by third parties even if those it was passed against rejects it. Of all the resolutions passed by UNSC, close to 70% were also targeted against Israel but of those, none of them fell into chapter 7. Israel thus has the right and has told the UNSC to shove it with those resolutions passed against it. It’s their right; it violates nothing and is legally okay in all ramifications. On the other hand, the UNSC resolutions 665 passed against Iraq which paved way for the Gulf War, the three resolutions passed against North Korea in 2006, 2009, 2012 urging sanctions against it, the resolution 1373 of September 2001 against terrorism and resolution 1737 passed in 2006 against Iran for uranium enrichment were all passed under chapter 7. These countries are the ones who actually violated United Nations binding resolutions in international law and UNSC had to act. One then wonders by the way, why all these resolutions against Israel even in this modern times? Why should the whole world except few be against Israel in the UN? A naive person will say, “The Israelis must be wrong because the whole nations can’t be all wrong”. That should be the obvious conclusion but there’s more to it than meets the eye. One thing is that issues of international relations are not usually based on right and wrong but political expediency and national selfishness. As someone rightly puts it sometime ago, “human beings have hearts but nations do not have a heart. They are run like machines.” If events of the past have anything to teach mankind, the majority is not always right. By the way, if one looks at the makeup of UN, one is apt to understand this bias and fixation by UN to do Israel in. the UN is made up of about 193 members. Of all these states, 97 of them ie simple majority are needed to pass UNGA resolutions. Of these states are 22 members who are completely ethnic Arab states who fought against Israel and are still hurting from the defeat and embarrassment and have been swearing to destroy Israel. They had declared in their Arab League “NO PEACE” with Israel and the most important of their agenda in UN is the disappearance of Israel in order to remove this shame and embarrassment of being defeated by this tiny country. Hot on the heels of these guys are an extra 35 member countries of Organisation of Islamic Countries whose agenda of course lies in line with their Arab Muslim brothers as one Ummah and who were smarting that the Jews had taken over Jerusalem with its Temple Mount they call Dome of the Rock and which they claim as their holy place. Throw in the extra 68 UN member nations of the Non-Allied Movement (NAM) which draws the bulk of its membership from members of the above two organisations and third world dictatorial countries eager for economic, political and other gains from the petrodollars of the Middle East countries and you have an avalanche of countries eager to bury Israel in UN. If one adds China, and Russia (with its satellite countries of Armenia, Belarus, Georgia and Ukraine) who traditionally opposes anything that US or Israel supports and then Brazil of the BRICS block countries, then Israel has a total of about 131 countries already on stand-by to make it disappear. Talk even of Europe which is now gradually getting Islamized that some people now term it Eurabia and is so pandering to the wishes of its Muslim minority to appease would-be terrorists by voting against Israel or abstaining and one understands why the UN is solely fixated on destroying Israel. A typical example of the pressure they can bear on any one who thinks otherwise was seen recently in the saga in June 2014 of Australian Attorney General declaring that legally, it is wrong to term Jerusalem “occupied”. Ignorants will have the world see a helpless “Palestinian people” been oppressed by Israel but this is never the case. As soon as George Brandis finished his statement, the whole Arab world and their minions out to do Israel in went into an uproar. They threatened to sanction the country and stop their trade with it which runs in billions of dollars. Iran and Jordan went after the Australian diplomats to let the country know that they have to toe the line if they still need their trade even if the lines to be toed are wrong and illegal. Of course Australia folded and joined the bandwaggon. It’s in light of this large “army” of nations arrayed against Israel in UN that one can understand how and why those ridiculous resolutions against Israel gets to be proposed and passed. A typical example was what happened in October 2013 when UNHRC was having its review on human rights of different countries. These countries have a policy of “support me and I support you” no matter the right, wrong or ridiculous the situation is. It was at the period when Saudi Arabia was passing injunctions barring their women from driving and the women were resisting and planning demonstrations which were being suppressed. During the reviews, out of the 102 countries that took the floor in Geneva, 80 of them praised Saudi Arabia for its “wonderful” record on the rights of women as Czech Republic, Canada and UK were raising concerns. These guys are so ridiculous that one will not be surprised if tomorrow, the Yemeni envoy to UN mounts the “podium” in UN and proposes that a resolution be passed censuring or condemning Israel for answering Israel or having elections or an organisation called the Knesset or having its citizens swimming or fishing in the sea of Galilee or the Mediterranean or even celebrating the Passover in Israel and all those conniving cronies of his will scream “AYE!” and gets it passed as UNGA resolution 3592 or 9967 or whatever. Then of course Israel will tell them to go to hell and AJE, Press TV and their likes with other UN agencies will scream to the world, “Look, Israel is violating UN resolutions”. If this be not the case, then one wonders how all those silly resolutions against Israel get passed by sane persons. How can it be that anytime Israel is mentioned in the UN, the next thing that follows reads like censures, condemns, abhors, strongly abhors, deplores, strongly condemns, etc by UN? If not so, how can sane people pass resolution 3379 or whatever in 1975 saying that Zionism is racism or that of 250 calling on Israel to refrain from holding military parades in its own Jerusalem? How can they pass that of 252 declaring invalid Israel’s acts to unify its own capital Jerusalem and other silly ones? How can they pass that of 465 deploring Israel’s settlements in Judea-Samaria or that of 271 condemning Israel for failure to obey UN resolutions on Jerusalem or 478 censuring Israel in strongest terms for its claim to Jerusalem in its basic law and numerous other ones declaring Israel’s settlements as illegal even if there is no basis for that in international law? Just as was stated before, whenever issues had to do with Jews and Israel, sanity takes back seat and reason and common sense flies away. No one remembers the meaning of right and wrong, justice and fairness. No one wants to know the truth. All and every accusations against them are taken. Even if the facts speak for themselves, the people on the contrary, close their eyes, ears and minds and refuse to see, hear or feel them even if their noses are being rubbed into it. Even some of the UN agencies and officials admit that this prejudice and bias against Israel exist in the UN but they seem unable and unwilling to stop it. If not so, how could even the UN secretary General, Ban Ki Moon say that of course Israel suffers from bias and prejudice in UN and he seem not to be able to do anything about that but follow the bandwaggon of blaming Israel with any opportunity? Even some of the UN agencies and officials admit that this prejudice and bias against Israel exist in the UN but they seem unable and unwilling to stop it. On November, 17th Arutz Sheva carried the story of a UN interpreter who unaware that her microphone was still on, expressed her shock and frustration about UNs fixation on condemning Israel everytime as they were reeling out condemnations and resolutions against Israel while there are far more worse stuff taking place all over the world. She apologised when she realized that the mic was still on and some of the diplomats laughed at the mistake. An Amnesty International field researcher; Donatella Rovera also penned in her article published by the organisation; Professionals in Humanitaria Assisance and Protection (PHAP) and reported by Arutz Sheva on May 11 2014 that many Palestinians often lie when giving testimonies and recounting those alleged “horrors” committed on them by Israel. I wonder why should all the array of UN agencies like UNHRC, UNRWA, UNESCO, UNICEF, UNIFIL and other agencies created just for exclusive “Palestinian” interests be all geared towards the destruction of Israel? Why is it that no other group of real refugees who are suffering get this kind of attention from UN except Palestinians? The answer might be two fold. In the first instance, it could be true that the issue here is not any Palestine or Palestinians; it’s because Israel is a country housing Jews hence all kinds of accusations and hatred has to be directed against it for sheltering Jews because of antisemitism. This might be the truth because all the atrocities committed by Egyptians, Syrians, Jordanians and Lebanon on their own “Palestinians” don’t merit a peep from the media houses. In the second instance, it could be the long avowed issue of scapegoating the Jews for all the problems of mankind now changed to scapegoating the Jewish state. If events of the past and the present circumstances has anything to teach us, then this might be the cause. Why did I say so? The UN made a whole lot of mistakes by allowing themselves get presured by the Arab caucus with their oil into accepting the Arab lie and narrative and then running with it. When they found out that I srael will not willingly allow them foist those mistakes on them, they resorted to bullying Israel and pressure it with all those resolutions. Its said that flowing water goes through the path of least resistance and they found Israel to be of least resistance and to not be able to mount a strong nay like the Arabs and then piled in the pressure. First of all, they created UNRWA (which has never been done in history or has ever been repeated) for the Arabs from the Israeli-Arab conflict and kept perpetuating that silly refugee status which has increased from about 600,000 to 5 million now unlike UNHCR which ensures the elimination of refugee status for other groups of mankind. Another mistake is that they accepted the Arab narrative which started in the 1960s of there been an Arabic people and land called Palestinians and Palestine which was ethnic cleansed in a Nakba by Israel and they now commemorate it. Other ones include the narrative and resolution that Zionism is equal to racism and others like this chant that Israel violates international law by building in Judea Samaria, etc. They made and are making a whole plethora of mistakes and piling in more. They see it that they can’t be able to go back and redress their mistakes so the best thing to do is pile pressure on Israel to fold up and accept those craps. Another recent mistake is when the ICC rejected international law and accepted the PA into their organisation as a state. Tomorrow, Israel will tell them to go look for that place (which might be in Rome) where there is a Palestine to have jurisdiction over as Israel is not a signatory hence all its lands from judea Samaria to Gaza is not under ICC jurisdiction and then we will start hearing them shout, Israel is Above the Law! Israel Flouts or Neglects ICC Rules, Israel Disregards International Law! etc. Some countries making up the UN also found themselves in this same quagmire and have no other option than to keep screaming at Israel. A typical example is the recent spate of a Palestine recognition as a country by European countries. Sweden took its own to the next level by making it official. Tomorrow, they will want to tell Israel that they need an embassy in a Palestine or any other actions between states and Israel will tell them to go and establish that embassy on the moon or Stockholm because there is nothing like a Palestine in judea Samaria or any other part of Israel and they will start screaming. Its high time the UN respects itself and stand by the truth for once. Its also high time people stop screaming at Israel for neglecting those silly UN resolutions because it won’t destroy itself for the appeasement of one of the most corrupt organisations on earth devoid of morality and truth.
Posted on: Sun, 25 Jan 2015 05:14:35 +0000

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