One of the oldest healing arts on the planet is Ayurveda. In - TopicsExpress


One of the oldest healing arts on the planet is Ayurveda. In Ayurveda they have two forms of food, primary and secondary. The secondary form of food is the food we consume or eat ( still important). The primary or most important food is our thoughts. Each form of food effects the other one, thoughts effect how we feel about food, and food that isnt good for us cant affect our thoughts and health, one in the same. Some what recent science ( 3 noble prize winners in medicine) has found the missing link to understand longevity and health, and why many of us dont live so long. The three noble laureates have discovered some great understandings about Telemeres. During chromosome replication, the enzymes that duplicate DNA cannot continue their duplication all the way to the end of a chromosome, so in each duplication the end of the chromosome is shortened. If we can replicate telemeres and keep them at the correct length and we can in theory live a very long time. If we feel great most of the time, sleep well, have abundance of energy than we are most likely creating healthy telemeres in turn healthy DNA replication... What effects our the length and health of telemeres is our thoughts and the food we eat. Here is a list of what are called supper foods that have great potential to help create full length healthy telemere replication.. First super food is: Cacao- Cacao has 626 different antioxidants ( made into chocolate) . The number one Longevity food. Number one source of magnesium Second super food is: Maca - Boasts energy levels, endurance, greatly helps the body deal with stress, Strengthens the immune system. Chlorella- Many say it is the worlds greatest anti- aging food. Extremely rich in Vitamins. Fourth super food is: Moringa- Northern Africa they call it the Miracle tree. It has 90 essential nutrients. In Ayurveda they use the leaves to take care of 300 know diseases. Fifth super food is: Spirulina- Considered to be the most nutrient dense food on the planet. It is known to be a complete protein. It has 10 times more beta carotene then carrots Sixth super food is: Wheatgrass- Wheatgrass is a blood builder and cleanser. One ounce of wheat grass is equal to 3 lbs of green vegetables in terms of how nutrient dense it is. Seventh super food is: Camu Camu- Its purplish berries are very rich in Antioxidants. It has 50 times more vitamin c than an orange. Rejuevenates many of the organs in the body, helps with soreness.. Greatly enhances mood. Helps with so many aliments from skin to nails to the eyes. Eighth and final super food is: Acai- Grows in the amazon just like many of the super foods in the world. Has up to 30 times more polyphenols ( high antioxidant value) then red wine. They improve vision and sleep, very health given food. You can find these in powder form and take then in single doses or take them as I do in an all in one formula, taken together greatly enhances the health benefits... to your health and enjoyment in life Robert
Posted on: Fri, 05 Dec 2014 04:57:00 +0000

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