One of the persistent misnomers about socialism is that it - TopicsExpress


One of the persistent misnomers about socialism is that it believes in Big Government. Actually thats not true. There are mechanisms for distributing wealth and power more fairly without significantly growing government. For example, imagine the difference between getting your groceries at a co-op vs shopping at WalMart... what does government have to do with it? A socialist government merely guides us toward more healthy, cooperative styles of economic development, which is the opposite of what our capitalist government does. Our (crony) capitalist government supports giant megacorporations at the expense of everything else. The US government currently subsidizes walmart by over $1.2 billion/year. How is that not big government? Imagine a government that did the opposite and used that same money to support cooperatives, microbusinesses, mom and pop shops, and so on. To me, THAT is socialism. And it doesnt require the government to grow much at all. I like the definition of socialism offered in this article: economic democracy Truly that is the next frontier for democracy, isnt it?
Posted on: Sat, 28 Jun 2014 22:29:15 +0000

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