One of the phrases I hate the most is looking out for number one. - TopicsExpress


One of the phrases I hate the most is looking out for number one. It reeks of selfishness. Unfortunately, it almost seems like its one of the mottos Americans live by. How hard is it to be kind? What an incredible difference being kind can make. Originally this group was titled Rebellions of Kindness because I wanted this group to fly in the face of the attitude of doing whatever it takes to promote yourself, no matter the cost. Ultimately though, I thought a revolution would be a better description for the group. I am hoping that this group spreads across the nation. You could be the core group that helps launch a movement that revolutionizes America. Can you imagine? Thousands of people doing orchestrated acts of kindness across the nation- all in the same month. This is not about getting any individuals or churchs or business name out there- its all about getting the idea of kindness to spread. If you have taken part of either event, you already know that kindness can actually be addicting. I want all the members to be active and not just people who join and then forget about the group. This is not meant to be a typical Facebook group and the people who join wont be typical either. This year we will have an event every month. Some might be events you donate to (if you are comfortable with that) but most will be events YOU do yourself. Here are some of the ideas I have for 2011. Provide rolls of quarters for laundromats, leave a $20 bill in an ATM machine with one of our cards, pay for somebodies heat bill or mortgage, leave an extra large tip, pay for the person behind you in a drive thru, rake somebodies yard, shovel a driveway, etc. I would also like more ideas. I would love to do something for sick kids or orphans. I need you to help me. I need you to invite more people. Please participate in every event that you can. Together we CAN start an actual revolution in 2014.
Posted on: Sat, 08 Mar 2014 04:18:28 +0000

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