One of the pious predecessors accompanied by his students was - TopicsExpress


One of the pious predecessors accompanied by his students was walking by a gravesite when he noticed an old woman lamenting over a grave complaining to Allah about taking her son, her loved one, her only support in old age away from her. As she carried on complaining and protesting to Allah about her loss, the pious man said to his students, “Look at this woman’s Tawheed… she is confessing that Allah it is *You* who has taken my son away.” SubhanAllah! Only someone with a pure heart and a sound mind can extract good from such erroneous behavior. Often times, our assumptions of people make them be exactly the way we may perceive them. If you look for the good in someone, you will find that they are good, and if you look for the worst in that same person, you will certainly find them exactly the way you perceive them. That is because none of us are perfect, and perfection only exists with Allah (swt). May Allah cleanse our hearts of any envy and malice and fill it with khair for ourselves and for others, ameen. Wa lillahi al mathal ul aala (For Allah is reserved the best example). The Prophet (saw) said as a part of a beautiful hadith, Allah has said, Whatever My servant assumes of Me, that is how I be will him, and I am with him when he remembers Me.” (Muslim). With all the turmoil that is happening in the world, Our Ummah, and through that in our hearts, it starts to become difficult to keep our thoughts reserved from wondering why and how could Allah let it continue without providing justice. We must continue to remind ourselves that this world is a test and Allah (swt), in his definitive wisdom, is letting us witness these events so that we turn back to Him, we remember Him, we call on Him, and we declare our weakness and dependence on Him, and we affirm our trust in him that He knows what is best for us and how to serve us in the best of manners. So, assume well of Allah that He will bring about justice, even if not in this world for us to see, but for sure in the hereafter, Ameen. Meanwhile, we must persist and keep our eye on the prize. Turn to Allah with sincerity and instead of only pleading for the relief from the madness that is this duniya, that we use this time to assume the best of Allah, and make dua with such certainty that before Ramadan passes that Allah (swt) WILL bring relief and justice, Allah WILL forgive us, Allah WILL save us from the fire of hell, Allah WILL write us of the people of Jannah, and Allah WILL continue to give us the tawfeeq to be in His obedience IF we keep asking until we meet Him, Ameen.
Posted on: Thu, 24 Jul 2014 12:14:46 +0000

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