One of the primary reasons I no longer participate at the Fair - TopicsExpress


One of the primary reasons I no longer participate at the Fair message board (and cant), or Mormon Dialogue and Discussion, as it is now called, is because of drastic differences of viewpoint between myself and the moderators and some of the other active posters on that board, on the issue of race, and in particular, racial issues respecting American blacks (including the blacks and the priesthood issue). What is presently under way across the nation, in which we see race-based rioting, destruction, violence, and looting fomented among and composed almost entirely of black Americans, over the shooting (which, given present information from witnesses and the police officer involved, appears to be legitimate) of Michael Brown, is the perennial and instantaneous narrative, by now so standardized and formatted as to be recitable in ones sleep, beggining anew. Brown was an innocent, harmless, fuzzy ball of warmth and cheer, and the police officer who shot him (for no reason whatsoever, just an execution because he was black) like all white police officers (and we dont yet actually know the race of the officer involved) a vicious, brutal white supremacist, riddled with racial animosity (unlike the vast majority of blacks, whos consciences are unspotted by racial prejudice or hatred) who lives to spill the blood of black people, whenever the occasion arises. The white oversociety again rises against the wretched of the earth. The white devil roams the land, unchained and unbridled, thirsty for the blood of black people. And so, a new round of mass barbarism excused, supported, and celebrated by the white and black Left (which still dares to call itself the civil rights movement) begins once more, Sharpton and the race industry descend on yet another racial funeral pyre bearing heavy, sloshing buckets of gasoline, and the rule of law disintegrates under the overwhelming influence of the doctrine of multiculturalism and its ethos of racial solidarity before and in preference to all other values. Here, as in perhaps no other contemporary place, does the restored gospel of Jesus Christ, its principles, its values, its standards of human relations and relationships, the importance it places on law, and most especially, eternal law, and its understanding of the moral foundations of a viable civilization, intersect and interpenetrate the world of politics. Each and every time a young black male is shot by a police officer in the line of duty, it seems that racial knees begin a spasmodic dance and the local Wal-Mart ends as a pillaged and plundered wreck, random citizens who dont look like the aggrieved identity group are assaulted and violated, and an uncomfortable number of black Americans (NOT African Americans) appear to coalesce and move as a racial mass, unconcerned, for all the talk of civil rights, with any of the civil rights of their fellow citizens. This madness will doubtless not end until the very end itself; until the doors of the wedding feast closes and the night comes, in which no work can be performed. Within those doors, the celebrants, white and black, will long ago have relived themselves of the beliefs, ideology, and attitudes that drive the behavior and underlying agendas we now see playing out yet again. That which we term the Left as a matter of historical accident or just standard linguistic practice, or, in other words, the Great and Abominable Church of the Devil of the latter days in its various manifestations, masks, costumes, and ideological attire, will go from strength to strength and from victory to victory, apparently against all conceivable rational, logical, moral, or ethical considerations or principles, as the Saints and the power of God continues to spread, gather strength, and face their nemesis, Satan, and the combined forces of his spiritual and mortal followers in their doomed and nihilistic quest to destroy as many of the souls of our Fathers children as they can before their own eternal destruction is sealed for the last time. Before that time comes, however, the Saints (and those living a terrestrial law) will separate themselves from the wicked utterly, make clear their separation, and, at the end, there will be no pillars of salt. breitbart/Big-Government/2014/08/13/Missouri-Riots-Let-the-Facts-Determine-the-Outcome
Posted on: Fri, 15 Aug 2014 03:59:03 +0000

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