One of the problems is that few actually see the bigger picture - TopicsExpress


One of the problems is that few actually see the bigger picture here. Most think Obama is inept, unqualified, stupid, and even crazy... that may be, but Obama isnt the problem. Obama is just a bigger piece of the puzzle. Few want to believe in conspiracy, but one has been taking place for well over 100 years. Most of our laws were created to benefit whom? Certainly not us. Did LBJs War on Poverty solve it? Has the Patriot Act made us safer? Has ObamaCare made us healthier with better insurance? Has the Farm Bill helped farmers to produce better and cheaper crops? Did the Stimulus Bill save our country from economic catastrophe? These are but a few examples as there are many which actually has done little to protect and serve the citizenry. Oh sure, some sectors may have benefited, but when you follow the money, who really benefited? Politicians and their cohorts seem to always come out on top smelling like a rose regardless of failed policies. So then, who actually suffers from them? Each politician since Ive remembered has promised change, promised lower taxes, less regulation, to end wars, reduce energy consumption and prices, cure diseases, and stop illegals, to name a few of their promises. In over 50 years, which have they succeeded in doing? Our best years came with Reagan policies, which peaked during the Clinton years. But Clinton rode on the coattails of Reagan and took the credit. When he opened the door of commercialism in China, we were doomed. Free trade is not free. It cost us plenty, and we have never recuperated as it created one problem compounded upon another. If nobody has noticed, it has been the world bankers, the globalist elites, and a few who were lucky to get their products through who have come out of this without much damage, in fact, most have profited plenty. Ever seen a poor politician? How can they be flat broke from campaigning, yet be multi-millionaires 2 years later? Who are these politicians and who helps them get elected? Answer those questions and the cause is half answered, and you will understand who the real captain of the ship is. Get rid of Obama, and who takes his place? Another communist, another Muslim, another globalist puppet? In 2010, America elected a whole slew of TEA Party representatives who swore to get rid of ObamaCare and put the USA on a fiscally sound path. How has that come out for us so far? Will the next crop do better? See, politics is only a game. The rules fit us, not them. Too many are well paid actors who read from their script. Though they may have good intents upon entering, once inside it becomes the establishments way or game over. They will bend only so far, as the rope has only enough slack to hang themselves if they step too far out of line. If Harry Reid is so hated, how come he gets re-elected each time and remains as head of the Senate when he can be voted out of office and from head of the Senate? Why isnt Trey Gowdy the House Speaker? Think of it! Have you ever heard of the Council on Foreign Relations, the Bilderberg Group, or the Tri-Lateral Commission? If not, Google them! Everything goes through them, first. Everything comes from them, too. We call them the Left, Liberals, and Democrats... but they are only tools for the agenda. Do you think these people in control will spend trillions of dollars, over 100 years to give up all they have gained in the past 20 years? What we are witnessing is the culmination of everything they have done, all they have created, coming to a head as what we once knew and lived with collapses around us. Read Saul Alinski and Cloward & Piven Strategy to understand it better. We are now in the beginnings of a total upheaval of our economic, moral, military, and social past as we head into the twilight zone of what they have created to the side for us to leap into when the SHTF. Call it a war with Good vs Evil or whatever, it is certainly Biblical. I suggest you read a book called None Dare Call It Conspiracy wrote in the 70s, and watch a film called THRIVE created by a family member of a globalist who saw the light and wanted to warn us of our future (both can be found free online). Though conspiracy is hard to swallow, it is a fact, and until this fact is realized and dealt with, then nothing will change except us and our nation, and not for the better. The truth is hard to take, but the truth IS the only thing that has a chance to set us free. youtube/watch?v=lEV5AFFcZ-s thestorageroom/ndcc.htm
Posted on: Thu, 09 Oct 2014 22:07:41 +0000

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