One of the skim of darkness and the works of Satan Himself is the - TopicsExpress


One of the skim of darkness and the works of Satan Himself is the use of pictures to portray Jesus Christ. The Devil is known as the rebellious one and the father of all lies, in other words lies originates from the Devil himself from the Garden of Eden when he deceived Eve. Do not be deceived there is no picture on earth that can resemble my Lord Jesus. I see many people have put or downloaded some form of pictures of Christ, that is idolatry and you need to take those pictures down and delete them from your profile. It is clearly written you shall not make any image in form of me, man is mandated by God Himself never to make anything in form of God that will turn to be a stumbling block between their worship with Him. Some even have these pictures on their houses even in the church. The Lord has put in my heart to give a warning to His Bride concerning this. The only way you can know Jesus is through faith and believing in HIS WORD THE HOLY BIBLE. You cannot not know the Lord through some pictures of a natural man here on earth or the work of an artist. Actually as I was doing my research, I saw some pictures meant to resemble Christ made and manufactured from Hollywood, where the pit of sin dwells, an abomination towards God. Through the presentation of pictures like that and also adoration of pictures like that many have open their hearts to occultism and deception of the evil. The Devil will even now appear in your dream in form of those pictures to deceive you that Christ has visited you in the Dream and once you believe in that lie, you will be tied to the world of occultism. Many Pastors and even servants have been tricked by the Devil in this way, an image resembling Christ appearing on their dream with a message, pretending that the message is from the Lord not knowing they are higher demons assigned by the Devil to bring confusion to the church and instill the seeds of corruption in the hearts of the children of God. Once these servants are deceived and they believe on a lie, the Devil will even begin giving them false demonic messages taught by the Devil Himself. No wonder you see many people in this end days, claiming to have had a dream about Jesus and they will come out and say Jesus said to me , These is what Jesus said, the Lord called me, I saw Jesus on the Dream and He brought a warning to the church. If your discerning is not sharpened you wont even be able to realize that their teachings are facilitated by Demons. This is the reason why Paul said some men facilitated some teachings taught by demons. When you begin to investigate those teachings and measure them with the Word of God, you will realize they dont add up and they are meant to keep the Bride in bondage and not to receive from the Holy Spirit. Once a servant receive from Demons, it will hinder the Spirit of God to reveal clear revelation of Christ to that servant. Is the reason we are called to stay alert and spiritually awake in this midnight hour. I pray that those still idolizing this pictures in form of Jesus, it is the time to give them up and believe in Jesus through faith, receive Jesus in your heart through His Word, if you want more of Jesus in your heart, have more of His Word in your heart, and the Lord will guide you and lead you in Jesus Mighty name. Shalom.
Posted on: Sat, 12 Apr 2014 13:00:03 +0000

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