One of the stupendous tactics of the west was to create a bogeyman - TopicsExpress


One of the stupendous tactics of the west was to create a bogeyman before an attack and that way it gives strength and legitimacy to the attack. Sadly today this tactic is being played by Muslim academics who have assumed a bogeyman (history of Khilafah to be rosy?!) and by attacking it they wish to deter the aspiration of millions from it! This was my reply to Masud Ahmed Khan: Who said it was all rosy? please quote and reference it! Theres becoming a concerted effort to undermine the aspiration of millions where the modern arguments surfaced very quickly after the destruction of the Uthmaani Khilafah championed by Ali Abdul Raaziq, re-iterated on isolated occasions by some individual modern scholars (Ar-Rafaiee) and recently re-surface by the discredited Qulliam Foundation and western-focused non-mujtahid scholars (Hamzah Yusuf, Blankenship, Zaid Shaker etc) The findings on application and implementation of the Khilafah is ascertained by looking into to two authorities: the Governance (ie Khalifah, Wulayah, Amaliyyah) and Judiciary (Qudah, Mazhalim). Any neutral person that thoroughly studies these from the well preserved records (Islamic court records, even from non-Muslim witness statements) will conclude that only Islam was implemented and the State was the leading state until the late 1800s. There was general stability and prosperity in the Khilafah even during the crusades. The stumbling-blocks, hindrance and instability were infrequent! These happened due to the rare political transitions (eg Abbasid overthrow) and small pots of rebellion. But these today are deliberately over inflated by those who wish to undermine the aspiration!? Why? They have an agenda to secularise Islam! It is well known the Europeans went through the Dark Ages for centuries! It looked up to the Khilafah for its renaissance - this can be ascertained from the writings of Russo, Adam Smith, Mills, Lewis etc. Even today it looks back at its enlightenment even though it was established by bloody wars and rebellion (eg French Revolution) but Muslims are to look back at its leading history with despise and loathe! We look to our history with hope, confidence and optimism! Even in the greatest obstacles we overcame them with honour, strength and glad-tidings! Did not the Khilafah take on the Romans and Persians at the same time! Did the Khilafah not build leading hospitals and universities and give rise to the greatest personalities the world has witnessed! Did not the Khilafah effectively deal with the fabricators of hadeeth! Did not the Khilafah overcome the Mongols to which the Mongols became Muslim and carried the supremacy of the deen! Did not Salahuddin (rh) liberate Filistin from the Crusades! Insha Allah! We will again liberate palestine and lead the world in Justice under the Shade of Allah (Zillatullah) once again!
Posted on: Mon, 27 Oct 2014 15:15:56 +0000

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