One of the things that impresses me the most in Japan is how - TopicsExpress


One of the things that impresses me the most in Japan is how conservative politicians feel free to open their mouth to say atrocities and how they are unable to recognize Japanese war crimes under their revisionist and nationalist point of views. But it makes me more impressed to know that Shinzo Abe, that constantly denies war crimes committed during and before WWII (and who agrees with Hashimoto`s opinion regarding Comfort women) could not only be elected as prime minister, but also receive such a big support from Japanese society. I do not want to make comparisons, but I can`t imagine a politician in Germany being able to say what Japanese politicians from LDP or JRP say so constantly and survive to be reelected and go through with their political life. Shinzo Abe has been keen to make constitutional reforms under his extreme nationalist perspective, and he is doing his best to avoid public debates that could delay his ambitions. The draft constitution reduces civil and political rights over public order, ignoring the currently existing article 97, which protects fundamental rights and states that they must be observed under all circumstances (though this is not the reality for many migrants here, as I have been noticing). And, under this circumstances, when one of his ministers says that the procedures followed by Nazis while changing Weimar Constitution should be studied, there is a very serious issue going on. Serious enough to put a whole government down.
Posted on: Tue, 30 Jul 2013 12:52:43 +0000

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