One of the ugliest stories of the week seems like it might be - TopicsExpress


One of the ugliest stories of the week seems like it might be resolved in a good way. DJNoll Yesterday I used to live in Utah, and this kind of self-righteous behavior towards the poor and hungry is typical of what I saw and experienced. Unless you are a Mormon, they could care less if you go hungry. They are horrible people and I would hope that the parents of these children come together and file a federal lawsuit against the school district and those involved for malfeasance, since the meals thrown away were partially paid for with federal dollars in all probability, and for committing a hate crime against children by deliberately inflicting emotional and mental harm. At the very least those on paid leave should be fired and banned from working ever again around children. I have never known a group of people who were more vicious to their fellow humans than Mormons. I now have a husband who is a former Mormon (I did not know this until just after we married), but his family are very vicious abusive Mormon in-laws who have done all they can to break up our marriage. I have a former husband who was told to divorce me by a Mormon mental health counselor because since I was not a Mormon I was jeopardizing his soul, but he was told by this same counselor his mothers incest on him was acceptable as a way for her to show her love, I figure this is not a group of people who should ever be allowed around decent human beings or children. I know that as a minister I am suppose to forgive, but I cannot imagine people willfully hurting children being acceptable to the God I know. The behavior of these school officials is typical of what I have experienced, but the fact that it targeted children is abominable. Rev. Devon Jeanette Noll New Word Universal Fellowship Church
Posted on: Sun, 02 Feb 2014 03:39:58 +0000

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