One other thing that is on my mind is how the general public views - TopicsExpress


One other thing that is on my mind is how the general public views persons that are pastors. We are generally viewed as these people that are more or less perfect because we have been chosen by God to preach, teach and instruct concerning Gods word. But what most people do not take into account is that we are human just like the next person and have our same faults as we did before we became Men of God to coin a phrase. Yes we color our responses with Gods word but that does not mean we are not human. We make mistakes like any other person. Most people place pastors on some type of pedestal and that they should not do this or that. That is so wrong and the general public as well as pastors are to blame for this distinction. I personally do more counselling and teaching more than I do preaching at someone because it seems that I produce better results with this approach. I am no more Holier Than Thou than the next person I wish to make this perfectly clear. I have the same likes, dislikes, wants, needs and desires as before I became ordained. Yes I am held to a higher standard but that is only in relation to the Word of God and how it is presented to another individual. It does not mean I point at someone down from a pulpit pointing out the faults of another when I have plenty of my own to deal with from day to day. I personally know preachers who curse when they get upset, Smoke like a freight train and take an occasional drink now and then. Does that make them any less of a pastor of Man of God? Not by any means!. Its time that people stop placing pastors on some type of a pedestal and start viewing them as counselors and teachers rather than some perfect individual sent by God like Christ was. Im sorry I am human and I am not that good by any stretch and never will be in this life to be sure. But I definitely have the gift to counsel folks on day to day issues and instruct them with the wisdom that God has given me to help them in day to day life. And it does not mean I am compelled to spout off scripture every time I turn around. Only when the occasion calls for such action on my part.
Posted on: Wed, 10 Sep 2014 15:17:22 +0000

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