One question that many people have is that there are many Islamic - TopicsExpress


One question that many people have is that there are many Islamic groups to join; which one should we join? If we look in the right place, we will not be confused and will find the answer. Rasoolullah (sallallahu ‘alayhe wassallam) has told us about at-Taaifah al Mansoora (the victorious group). He did not just tell us that they are victorious but he also told us what the qualities of this victorious group are. Anyone who hears these qualities will not have to ask this question again. Let’s start by the qualities mentioned in the Qur’an. In this Aayah (5:54), Allah will replace us by those who: a. ‘Allah loves them’ b. ‘They love Allah’ – In regards to these first two qualities, we can never really know since this is invisible to us. However, if they are fulfilling the requirements and responsibilities, they are those whom Allah loves and they love Him. c. ‘They are humble towards the Believers’ This means they love their Believers; they care about them. They are concerned about what happens to the Muslims. They follow the news about what’s happening to the Believers around the world. The Muslim living anywhere in the world is their brother and sister. If that Muslim brother in the East is killed, he feels it’s his responsibility to defend him. These brothers, when they hear about the bad that is happening to their brothers and sisters, they will answer the call and actually go. They are willing to lay down their lives to defend their Believers. They are willing to spend their money to defend the Believers. On the other hand we find that there are many Muslims who are critical of other Muslims. They are willing to give fatawa to the government to detain Muslims. You will find that they are willing to stand with the kuffar and spy on Muslims and fight them. d. ‘They are stern towards the Disbelievers’ They are harsh around the kuffar. They are the ones who are willing to stand up against the oppression of the kuffar. They are the ones, who are willing to terrorize the kuffar as Allah says, “Against them make ready your strength to the utmost of your power, including steeds of war, to strike terror into (the hearts of) the enemies” (al Anfal 60) On the opposite side of the spectrum, you will find Muslims who are critical of other Muslims but are very humble and kind towards the kuffar. They justify this by saying it’s done for the purpose of da’wah; they want them to become Muslim. In reality, that’s not the case. They are not telling them of what Islam truly is. They are giving them a false impression of what Islam is. e. ‘They fight in the path of Allah’ It’s not that hard to find those who are fighting in the path of Allah. f. ‘They don’t fear the blame of the blamers’ The munafiqeen are going to blame them. And obviously, the kuffar are going to speak about them negatively in the paper, television and radio. But do these brothers care about what is said about them? They could careless what the most famous news stations and newspapers say about them. As long as what they are doing pleases Allah, nothing bothers them. Sa’ad bin Mua’dh was the ally of Banu Qurayda in his years of jahilliya. When he became Muslim, he cut that relationship since Islam demands loyalty to Allah, His Messenger, and the mo’mineen. Later, when Banu Qurayda surrendered they agreed to accept the ruling of Sa’ad bin Mua’dh since he was their former ally in jahilliya. The tribe of Al Aws was telling Sa’ad to be kind in his judgment towards them. Sa’ad said, “It’s about time for Sa’ad to not fear the blame of the blamers in the sake of Allah.” As soon as they heard that, they knew that their former allies are dead. Sa’ad asked the Jews if they agree to his judgment; they said yes. Likewise he asked the Muslims if they accept his ruling and they replied in the affirmative. Sa’ad said, “My ruling is that all of the men should be executed, and their women, children and property be appropriated by the Muslims.” The Prophet said, “Your ruling is the same ruling of Allah from on top of seven heavens.” That day, 900 Jews were killed. Why did this happen? They committed treason.
Posted on: Mon, 24 Mar 2014 08:51:45 +0000

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