One reason: I’m an only son. It so happened that my five - TopicsExpress


One reason: I’m an only son. It so happened that my five sisters were for some reason all women. My father, He was athletic person. Oh yes, when I was a kid, he used to ask me to jog with him. We just jogged around the backyard. Years ago, I did something absolutely nuts. I went Mountain climbing. For those who haven’t tried it, let me give you a very technical definition of mountain climbing: It’s when you climb a mountain. I know my definition is a bit difficult to understand but bear with me. (I sometimes amaze myself with my brilliance, Joke.) Seriously, my definition of mountain climbing is being insane enough to suspend yourself 500 feet above the air with your fingers hanging onto tiny cracks and trees. When I was up there, I felt no fear. None whatsoever. I wish I could be religious and all and say, “Because of Jesus.” But actually, I felt no fear because I had this thick rope tied around my trunk. I knew that whatever happened, that rope would keep me safe. But if you think I was excited Mountain climbing, it was nothing compared to my 2 year old son excitement watching over me… God has given you a special gift that’s indelibly connected to your life purpose. This is what I call God’s anointing in your life. To help you discern your Life Purpose, list down your gifts and rate them from 1 to 10, with 10 being excellent. Here’s my own inventory of talents: Cooking: 7 I love cooking especially for my kids Fashion: 3 The only reason why I look presentable when I speech is because of our Company Vice President, Mr. Jay An, who wants us to be presentable as a Marketing. Otherwise, I will wear tee-shirts and sandals everywhere I go. Mechanical: 2 When my wife asks me to fix things, I obliterate their existence from the face of the earth. Today, I’ve learned to fix anything with just one tool: The Cellphone. Dancing: - 4 I tried. We had a few dance steps with the choreographer. But when I danced, I was like a wooden stick suffering from epilepsy. Athletics: 5 I remember PE 1 in college we were required to wear rubber shoes and do some stretching at the start of each class and all we did was sit down and listen to lectures. Spelling: 3 In a Spelling Exam, I once got 2 out of 20 items. As a kid, I think I was semi-dyslexic but it was never diagnosed. Today, there are so many labels for kids who have a difficult time in school. “He’s got a learning disability” or “The boy has ADHD” or “She has dyslexia”. But back in my time, there were no such thing. I was simply called stupid. Singing: 4 Yep, I got 100 scoured in video ok challenge. But don’t be impressed. I love singing but singing doesn’t love me. Drawing: 5 I’m not good in drawing. At least my kid Dreamsiy love drawings. Leadership: 6 I love leading people because leadership is all about loving relationships. But I’m a 6 because I need to learn so much more. Speaking 4 Yes! But I’m not a 10 because I need to learn more I’m still honing my craft, watching how other great speakers speech.
Posted on: Fri, 09 Jan 2015 05:27:37 +0000

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