One thing I did when I first came to California was pass out - TopicsExpress


One thing I did when I first came to California was pass out leaflets to inform this community about Government Gang Stalking. This was one of the leaflets I used to pass out. My name is Bonnie Calcagno. I have been an organized gang stalking target for almost five years. I was a third grade teacher for 29 years in New York. As I crossed country coming to California I was gang stalked in Oklahoma, Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, and now here in California where I live. Before this happened I wasn’t politically active at all. My ordeal started with a conflict with a fireman. Firemen are part of fusion centers. The research I’ve done to find out what this is can be found at my web site: nostasi I recently wrote a book entitled “Organized Gang Stalking: New Torture Tactic to Neutralize Citizens?” which is available from lulu. What I have found is that: 1. “Political surveillance and harassment by U.S. law enforcement agencies are on the rise with incidents reported in at least 33 states since 9/11, according to a review” published by the American Civil Liberties Union on June 29, 2010. 2. What is happening today has happened throughout our country’s history, particularly, in wartime. 3. We now have 854,000 people in our intelligence community. A three part investigative report in the Washington Post calls Top Secret America “a hidden world growing beyond control” with little oversight. projects.washingtonpost/top-secret-america. 4. The Attorney General under Bush rescinded anti-COINTELPRO regulations. The Obama Administration has let this stand. COINTELPRO was a notorious program of the FBI which went on from 1956 to 1971 before activist broke into FBI offices proving it existed. The Senate Committee which investigated it, called the Church Committee, said on the first page of their report about it: “Unless new and tighter controls are established by legislation, domestic intelligence activities threaten to undermine our democratic society and fundamentally alter its nature.” You can look up “COINTELPRO” in any encyclopedia to see what they did and who was targeted (the League of Women Voters, the Women’s Movement, Martin Luther King Jr., the NAACP, people protesting the Vietnam War etc.) What is going on today from my experience: It could start with being "reported" by a neighbor or firemen who are part of fusion centers. No due process. No chance to be informed of what has been said against you. The U.S. government has legitimized "personal vendettas." 1. The target is put under conspicuous surveillance - by police, firemen, and Neighborhood Watch Group members using red cars, red trucks, or who wear or carry red 2. It starts from the minute the target leaves her/his home - Same Time Exit/Entry is the standard gang stalking tactic - you go out - they are going out 3. They use BEEPING - when you take the dog out - go in your yard - at other times 4. They set off car alarms or have Citizen Stalkers use power equipment (leaf blowers etc.) in their yards, so that the target experiences a wall of NOISE if she tries to take a walk. 5. They have dogs jump out of car windows - let dogs off their leashes, run up at you - use dogs to intimidate 6. They use NOISE to disturb sleep 7. They use GPS to track you 8. Red cars are at intersections - more often in front of you than in back of you 9. They like to park red cars at the end of parking lots where they are noticed 10. A gang stalker in red might be there when you exit a store or a red car or truck will pass just as you exit 11. A gang stalker might be talking on a phone as they pass you by and say your name to the person they are speaking to 12. They use children in gang stalking - even preschoolers, teenagers, old people, handicap people (the Stasi in East Germany also used children) 13. They get neighbors involved in the gang stalking to socially isolate the target and to gang stalk the target when they enter or leave their home, try to take out the garbage, pick up mail. What We Can Do About What Is Going On – From My Book: 1. Revisit the recommendations of the Church Committee Report. 2. For all state legislatures to consider bills similar to the one being considered in the Massachusetts State Legislature – Massachusetts Senate Bill No. 931 – which would create an office of data protection and privacy oversight for fusion centers to provide oversight and investigate allegations of abuses committed by fusion centers. To find out about fusion centers go to Then click on “fusion centers” to the right. Once you are at that page click on “More.” 3. Expand oversight of intelligence agencies: a. have them inform all members of Congress” when they launch any covert action or other controversial program” – not the chairpersons of intelligence committees and ranking opposition members and party leaders. b. Give “congressional intelligence committees…the power to task the Government Accountability Office (GAO) with auditing any intelligence program.” The next four recommendations come from the person who was the Chief Counsel for the Church Committee: c. “Congress should review and strengthen the present statutory disclosure and reporting requirements concerning intelligence and national security activities in order to enhance oversight.” d. “Congress should review and strengthen by law the ‘internal checks and balances’ of the executive branch, in particular, the system of inspectors general for agencies and departments engaged in national security policy, and the protections for internal whistleblowers.” e. “Congress should hold hearings on the abuse of secrecy and enact comprehensive rules to guard against the misuse of security-related classification and declassification. It should strengthen internal mechanisms that control oversight of classification.” The most important recommendation of Frederick A.O. Schwarz, Jr. was for a “bipartisan independent investigatory Commission to determine what has gone wrong with our policies and practices in confronting terrorism since September 11, 2001.” One of the purposes, he said, of such a Commission would be to determine whether there are secret programs that were put in place which have not yet been revealed that might violate the Rule of Law. Google the Report: “The Rise of the American Police State” by Coleman, Gochenour, Lawryszek, and Chandnani, May, 2010. We now have an American Stasi. We know George Bush wanted to get Neighborhood Watch Groups involved in the War on Terror. Did he do that through executive order? Did he create a new COINTELPRO program using people all over the country from Neighborhood Watch Groups who in conjunction with first responders surveill and harass people “reported” to fusion centers using the tactic of organized gang stalking? Targets like myself can come forward and give the result of their experience and research, but we need Congress to appoint a bipartisan Commission to establish the facts of what is going on. Until that happens every day innocent people all over the country will continued to be harassed and surveilled by the new COINTELPRO tactic – organized gang stalking. Democratic and Republican leaders know what is going on and do nothing to stop it. We must hold our Congressman, Congressman Darrell Issa, responsible for his votes that helped create the surveillance state: 1. voted to make the Patriot Act permanent 2. voted for no warrants for U.S. wiretaps 3. voted for intelligence gathering without civil oversight 4. voted for electronic surveillance without warrant
Posted on: Wed, 05 Jun 2013 19:02:55 +0000

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