One thing I learned before the week even started , was what my - TopicsExpress


One thing I learned before the week even started , was what my response should be toward God’s direction in my life. My mother is going to love this story(And I’m certain my story will be backed by my siblings). Growing up, I was always asking for this, and for that, all the time. My parents always provided for me, Cord, and April, and gave us WAY more than we asked for, as crazy as that is, but my little mind always focused on the “no’s”. So I ignored the “Yes’s”. I would say “Mama even before I ask, you say no!”, and it would frustrate me! Let me add that Im glad she said no so much, because most of the things were useless, and probably a waste, lol. Shouldn’t our answer toward God be “yes” from the get-go? We should be fully surrendered, no matter what, so that when got calls, we are saying yes with our lives, and hearts, before we even know what is coming! It helped me to understand how my answer, and reply should be to God, and to wherever he leads. We are to be moldable, able to be sculpted in every area of our life. Lets get to camp, Week 5 This week provided its challenges, just like any other. It seemed it a little longer, probably because we had a monsoon everyday, lol. But I believe I am a little more thankful for sunshine and good weather than what I was before. Its neat how that happens. This weeks them was “Fighting the good fight”. It was cool hearing 300 plus junior highers screaming that at the top of their lungs, repeating after the speaker (Mitch Miller). We fight the good fight because , WE MATTER! I learned about so many sad stories of people hurting themselves, thinking they have no meaning, not realizing their value in God’s eyes. Sometimes we forget that he values of so much, no matter what we can or cannot do! We know this because he made us in his image! That ought to show you how much he loves us! God doesn’t love people more because of ability, he loves us all the same, with an agape love that loves no matter what comes in return. I did some reading in 1 Corinthians 3 and just got blown away. Paul calls himself a “wise master-builder”, meaning he is a “builder” for God’s “building”. We sometimes get confused of our roles! We are not to think of ourselves as “something”, we are nothing but God’s tools that he uses. We are builders, building his building, the kingdom of God. (Awesome). So in the process of witnessing, lets not get focused on results, we are just laying foundation for his building, then putting the siding on, the roof, the floor, etc, (Planting and watering). An interesting point in one message was about how we are to lose our lives, in order to find a new one in Christ! We have to die to ourselves , in order to really follow after Jesus. Any believer/follower would agree with me that you will NEVER regret following Jesus. Think of your favorite food, the first time you tried it, you realized what you had been missing! Then you just couldn’t shut up about how great it was! Why cant our faith be like that? We ought to be sharing our faith in every way possible, not being able to keep it quiet, realizing what we once missed, and now we have that hope to share to others! I had the awesome privilege of pointing a couple of my campers toward Christ personally! One night we were going over “GRACE”, and I found this cool seen to describe to him. Picture this, you commit an awful crime, you got to court and get sentenced to death by jury, BUT right before the police take you away, the Judge puts someone totally innocent in your place, and you walk away free. If that happened today, we would all consider the Judge a lunatic. And he would be. But isn’t that exactly what God did for us? He was/is the Judge, and we are the guilty ones, but he doesn’t condemn the world does he? John 3:17, For God sent not his son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world THROUGH HIM(emphasis ;)) might be saved. He sent his only begotten ,perfect, spotless son, to die in our place. If that doesn’t fire you up, you need to check up! As I was telling the story, It was almost as if I was hearing it for the first time again! It was exciting to tell that story, it always is. There is no other story like it! We went over many bible verses, and praise God I witnessed two boys giving their hearts to Christ!!!!! God just did a work in their minds, hearts, to get them to realize that they were lost! It was awesome to share my own testimony of how God rescued this ole sinner out of so much pride, and doubt! I doubted for so long about my salvation, but thank God through his word speaking to me, and Godly people guiding me, I layed all that at his feet! I remember the day! (as Jake , April, and Brooke sing). Don’t let pride, and doubt, and anything else get in the way of you and God! I learned more this week , and have been , about the dangers of bullying. We sometimes push it off as just a small issue of more confident kids bullying people that aren’t so confident, and we say to just “be tough”, and think nothing much of it. But words hurt us so much, whoever said the bologna about “sticks and stones….” Is a liar. Bullying effects so many kids! And the ones getting bullied are listening to the ones saying the lies, and start having thoughts of cutting themselves, or hurting themselves permanently. Its sad hearing these stories, but its real folks. I got a better perspective on how to react to bullying that I see. God is good all the time, and all the time he’s good! I cant wait to see where he leads me. We just need to be faithful where we are, and God will bless us. Im just “buckling my seatbelt”, “tuning my guitar”, getting ready to go where he leads me. Im enjoying the journey so far, the good, and the parts the I thought weren’t so good. Last week of junior high camp here we come! Pray for us!
Posted on: Mon, 08 Jul 2013 02:34:22 +0000

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