One thing I wanted to mention here is that the power of social - TopicsExpress


One thing I wanted to mention here is that the power of social media is huge! I am a blogger and social media influencer and there are a few things that we can do on social media to make our influence heard beyond just family and friends. First, hashtag every post you put out there. Hashtags are not just for adding cute little sayings to the end of your posts. They actually serve a purpose in spreading word. I have talked this over with my Las Vegas bloggers network and we are planning to use the hashtags #StopSIECUS and #MomsagainstSIECUS. You could even use #ParentsagainstSIECUS but Stop Siecus is the shortest. Now what that does is whenever you share a post with that hashtag and someone clicks on that hashtag it will connect them to every other post online using that same hashtag. If we can get a hashtag trending on Twitter than we will know that we are making waves. So hashtag every post you put on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc. And make sure those posts are set to public so others can see them. Also, tag CCSD or SIECUS in your posts. You can do this by adding @ sign before typing in their name. You will see that a drop down of several options shows up when you start typing in their name and you can choose their page to include in your post. They will be tagged meaning they will receive notification that you have mentioned them in a post and depending on their page settings your post could even show up on their page. These are just a few simple things we can do as a group to make our voices heard collectively.
Posted on: Sat, 27 Sep 2014 18:29:49 +0000

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