One thing I was taught growing up was to “never be a quitter.” - TopicsExpress


One thing I was taught growing up was to “never be a quitter.” There are very few things in my life that I have given up on without finishing them or moving on to something better. With that being said, it is very hard for me to admit that after just a week at my new job, I realized that it just was not for me and chose not to continue on with it. It only took a couple of days to realize this, but I wanted to stick it out for at least a week with a good, hard-working attitude and see if things would change. For the most part, Ive enjoyed every job that I have had, so this was new to me. Most people I talked to throughout the week tried to convince me that I should give it more than a week, but I feel like when you know something isnt right for you, you have to go with your gut. I feel like it would have been wrong to continue training at a position if I planned on leaving when something else came along. That would be a waste of the companys time, money, and effort. For now I will be returning to my old jobs until I find something that I believe is more of a fit for me. I sat around for hours thinking of the pros and cons of this position, so I didnt just make this decision on impulse. One thing I want to express is that the people there were so great to me! I cant thank Walker and Coy enough for giving me the opportunity to try this out and I feel awful that it didnt work out. I also want to express that my decision was not made because of anything relating to how the the company operates. The job just wasnt for me. I would strongly recommend them to anyone I know as a place to take their vehicle for service!! This was an extremely difficult decision to make but I realized I cant be worried about pleasing everyone else around me when I believe in my heart that this was the right decision. I also dont regret giving this a try and have learned a lot about myself in this process. I believe that I got so caught up in the fact that I had an opportunity to work for two awesome Christian men that I didnt take enough time to truly examine whether or not I would enjoy the actual job. Although I know everyone has good intentions in doing this, I was so tired of people asking if I had found a job yet and wanted so badly to have something to tell them. This caused me to make a decision that I probably shouldnt have. This has also challenged me to look a little harder for what other jobs are out there. This may be a little hypocritical after writing this huge post, but I have also learned that I should probably scale back how much of my life is blast all over Facebook. Of course I don’t want to stay at my old jobs forever, but Im glad I can return to them for now. Im just asking for understanding/support from all my family and friends because this has been a pretty difficult ride for me over the past week. I am someone who is truly doesnt want to let anyone down and make everyone proud. Thanks for taking the time to read another massive post about my life. I hope you all have a great week! :)
Posted on: Mon, 24 Mar 2014 16:00:02 +0000

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