One thing Ive learned so far is that dreams dont get realized - TopicsExpress


One thing Ive learned so far is that dreams dont get realized alone. Never once has anything beautiful ever happened to me that I created or found or imagined all by myself. Not one of my dreams-come-true was of my own doing. It takes a team, or a squad, a pack, a gang, a crowd, any number of human souls greater than one. And pride or ego may argue, even stand atop a mountain and wail, that we dont need anybodys help to get there. That is one of our greatest illusions. From the artists that inspired me, to the colleagues that pushed me to be better, to the friends who told me they dug what I was doing, to the strangers that smiled at me on some foreign desolate corner, to the assistants assistants assistant who poured me that perfect cup of tea, to my family for always believing in me and the passion I was pursuing, inspiration comes from infinite places. In this new project, and in every song Ive ever written, recorded, performed, burned, every single person who has ever listened to or danced to or cried to or ever laughed to any of them matters. Down to the dreamer who told a distant friend about a lyric that captured their hearts imagination, their momentarily frozen attention, I cannot and will not do it without you. I know were all connected, subconsciously, sub-terraineanly, in the stars maybe. Its a gorgeous eon spanning web thats been being weaved for eternity possibly. We all somehow affect each other. I need your help just as much as you need mine. Just as much as everyone else needs everyone elses. But with dreams, especially, this is more true than ever. Im just a small speck of paint in a wild, spontaneous, unfinished painting, surrounded on all sides by beautiful bright-shining colors like you and I simply have to pause for a moment of honest grateful reflection. Thank you for making my world and my life so stunningly vibrant. Thank you for keeping me standing in this insane fight for art and the expression of pain, beauty, heartbreak, extravagant joy, surrender, loss and awestruck wonder.. ((xo))
Posted on: Sat, 18 Oct 2014 14:50:08 +0000

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