One thing my Parents taught me is that the earth is Spherical. In - TopicsExpress


One thing my Parents taught me is that the earth is Spherical. In a geography test, when asked to write about the earth being flat, i wrote something like(i cant recall everything, but it was much): the scientist that ever said that, is not in any way intelligent, infact he needs to start life over again. And truly, i had what i expected; an invitation to the Sanhedrin. Teacher: (after sharing the scripts) Ekemini, meet me in the staff-room. Me: yes sir. Within me, i was afraid, not because of the teacher but because of other teachers in the staff room. They were worst than market women when it comes to making fool of students. I went into the staff room, greeted the teachers that cared to fix their eyes on me and ignored those that acted over busy. There is something about Senior secondary 1 (SS1), it has been a tale, we all grew up to hear that there is something misterious about SS1, all my stay in that class, i didnt meet the misterious Monster; did you see it? Me: you called me, sir. Teacher: sit down (he said offering me a sit). It was a rare thing for a student to sit on a seat in the staff room. Our normal position was to kneel down or tag your yash to the floor. Sitting on a teachers seat signified honour, but that didnt trip me, because my parents instilled in me humility. Move toward the door the teacher ordered after sometime. I obliged. All eyes on me i thought and yes, all eyes gazed at me; like 2pac. tell this humble house what you wrote in your test. Explain vividly what you mean by : the scientist that ever said that is not intelligent, infact, he needs to start life over again, now shoot . The teacher said. hmmm, good afternoon everyone. I...i...i i tried saying. my friend talk like a man! one female teacher shouted and they all laughed. Deep within me, i knew that i wasnt a man rather a boy. I promised myself to steal their standing ovation as a boy. The earth is spherical, not only geographically also morally, emotionally and spiritually. Today may be rosy, tommorrow may be cloudy. The act you extended on someone will rotate back to you. Not quite what you call karma, it may come in another way. For instance, last week while coming to school i was almost knocked down by a woman, i didnt react. I just walked away. Two days later, i met her in her office out of chance. I didnt know that she worked there, but i saw her, and she recalled me and rendered apologies accompanied with help. Yes my respond toward that incident led to that. That makes the world spherical... stop there, just stop the geography teacher shouted as other teachers clapped me. so today you may flog me in school tommorrow i may help you out there, it is not karma, it is because the earth is spherical. So the scientist needs a rebirth. Thank you i ended. The teachers clapped more until the Principal left his office to the staff room. I was always afraid of him since the day he lifted me by the ear up the air for five minutes. When he dropped me, i lost my stamina. Rumours named him an ex-military man, but i didnt know him that way. what is going on here? he asked seminar, sir the geography teacher replied and he left. Go free and sin no more the geography teacher said. I gave them a standing ovation as a boy since i knew that the earth is spherical. Since them the teacher has been calling me Prof. even when i swerved from doing geography in SS2. TABS FROM CHILDHOOD: The Earth is Spherical.
Posted on: Sat, 23 Nov 2013 10:20:02 +0000

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