One thing that Ive noticed amongst young women on Facebook who - TopicsExpress


One thing that Ive noticed amongst young women on Facebook who also happen to be believers, is that some, but not all, are in the habit of posting very attractive pictures of themselves and some even go so far as to make side-comments referencing their own physical beauty. Let me make this clear: there is nothing wrong with a womans beauty, with beautiful pictures, or even with being aware you are beautiful, or even making some mention of it at some point. Im not interested in any of these women, because I already have someone that Im interested in, and so what they do on their Facebooks doesnt concern me. Now Ill say this: the way some of you women out there are handling your beauty and your pictures is extremely self-righteous and just screams of manipulativeness. Heres why: If youre posting alluring pictures of yourself, visibly putting a little extra effort into your own physical appeal, and then tell men who comment (who are not raging lustful beasts, but rather men who hope to find a godly woman) that youre tired of men always expressing interest in you, how youre married to Jesus, and how you are tired of men going on about you, youre being completely dishonest. Heres whats really going on: you want to look all fine and juicy for Mr. Who-You-Want, and so you lay it all out for the camera, but then if the guy who happens to like what he sees turns out being Mr. Who-You-Dont-Want, you turn around and pull the holy card, and talk about how you arent available, you dont want all this attention, and you just dont have time for anyone but the Lord. Its a lie. You want the attention, you want your calling-card to be out there for someone you really like, but you dont have the spine to just say Im not interested in you to someone you arent interested in, so you spin it as you are just too saintly to even think about such things. Sister, if you werent wanting to attract a man, you would have made sure that Mr. DeMille didnt give the twins that killer close-up they just got. Ya, you can say it wasnt intentional, but you might be forgetting that men arent stupid. In the end, it amounts down to a huge religious tease, with women laying it all out there and playing the righteousness-card at the same time, and it ends up creating a huge manipulative effect of making the woman look like shes so innocent and saintly, while also giving the effect of making the men around her look unreasonable and lustful, when in fact, neither is true. Sisters, if you want to draw a man, you dont need to put on a paper sack over your head, but dont go around acting like youre not doing what youre doing, and then criticizing men who like what they see. You know full well, that if the right guy made the right comment, youd be all over that. You cant have your cake and eat it too: you cant be seductive, and be saintly - you cant be trying to attract men and then act like a prude - and you cant be trying to get compliments and then acting like you dont want them. Its manipulative, overtly hypocritical, and in spite of the fact that most of them back down when they are criticized, and talk about how dedicated you are to God, the savvier amongst us arent impressed. Neither is Jesus. Jesus gave many compliments to many people, and still does today, and so did God and many of the saints, and so if a young man who is trying to serve the Lord, happens to like your picture (provided it isnt trashy, in which case youre already discredited from playing the holy card), dont act like hes a heathen - say thanks or say nothing. To criticize and critiquite reasonable mens reasonable compliments and feelings is to demean both their God-given desire to find a godly women, and to criticize their own confidence in their standing with the Lord, implying they are doing something wrong (which they arent).
Posted on: Mon, 18 Aug 2014 03:14:20 +0000

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