One thing that has made the United State a great nation is the - TopicsExpress


One thing that has made the United State a great nation is the stability of our government. Some nations are so unstable that their governments can barely go a year without collapsing. If it wasnt for the Civil War, our record would be nearly spotless. The fact that this year will mark our 238th year of independence from Britain doesnt ensure we will celebrate our 239th milestone. Freedom doesnt come with age; it has to be maintained with vigilance. It deeply concerns me that this generation will mark the point where liberty stumbles and America becomes just another banana republic. I dont place all the blame on President Barack Obama for the erosion of our freedoms. George W. Bush should be noted for setting into motion a number of programs that put our liberties at risk. I think the biggest mistake of his term was the creation of the Department of Homeland Security. As much as I disapprove of George W. Bush, I would gladly turn back time and add two more terms to his presidency. Bush may have made many mistakes, but at least he meant well. Obama appears only to be out for himself. I think the American people have made a huge error in giving power to a man who is so lacking moral character. He has been one of the most deceitful presidents in our nations history. Not only has he been repeatedly proven to be a liar, he has allowed a culture of dishonesty to permeate Washington D.C. At some point we have to ask ourselves, What danger does Obama pose to our liberties? Even the tiniest indication of despotism on his part needs to be challenged. Once you lose your rights, it often requires the shedding of blood to get them back. Here are five signs that have me most worried about Obamas commitment to Democracy: 1. The first problem I have with Obama is how much he has the liberal media in his back pocket. Its no wonder that our nation is a mess when you have the press unwilling to directly criticize the president for his disastrous policies. The NSA scandal, the IRS scandal, Obamacare, Benghazi, and Syria have all been huge failures that should have deeply marred Obamas presidency. If the liberal media is willing to give him a pass on these major missteps, I have to wonder if they would say anything negative if Obama decided do something crazy like make himself president for life. 2. Obamas obsession with surveillance should worry people who care about their freedom. All police states need a good spy network to maintain order. Obama keeps telling us that the target of the NSA is terrorists. The Snowden revelations should trigger a major reassessment of the governments role in our lives. Any system that requires enslavement to maintain security is a cost that is too high. 3. Another fixation with Obama is getting revenge on people or organizations that dare cross him. When S&P downgraded the ranking of Americas debt, the Justice Department indicted the firm, leaving two other rating agencies untouched. Just last week, Dinesh DSouza, the maker of an anti-Obama movie, was charged for giving too much money to a candidate who sought to replace former New York Senator Hillary Clinton. Anyone who leaks information to the media has to do so knowing that the White House will go to any length to find them out. 4. Im also troubled by Barack Obamas use of executive orders to set policy. He has already told Senate Democrats he plans to use his executive authority to act in 2014 when Congress stands in his way. The reason why the Founding Fathers made it so only Congress can write laws, is to avoid autocratic rule. When you allow the president to be a dictator in some areas, you set into motion a process that will quickly give him power over all areas of government. 5. The move that makes me the most suspicious about Obamas intentions is his mass firing of military leadership. The president has the highest record for firing generals than any in living memory. Things have gotten so bad that a number of retired generals are publicly speaking out about the purge of the U.S. military that they believe is taking place. Since the military leaders are sworn to defend the Constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic its necessary to weaken the resolve of the military ranks. Our nation is ripe for political turmoil. Despite all the claims of an economic recovery, a record percentage of the population is dependent on the government for some form of welfare. We have so thoroughly set our course with decades of harmful fiscal policies, the collapse of the dollar or banking system is only a matter of time. One of the reasons I am so concerned about the governments encroachment on our civil liberties is the likelihood of what will happen in the coming financial calamity. If President Obama is able to clip-away at our rights in good times, I hate to think what will happen when things turn desperate. Maranatha!!!
Posted on: Wed, 29 Jan 2014 01:51:38 +0000

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