One thing that will always happen when you get depressed is you - TopicsExpress


One thing that will always happen when you get depressed is you will focus more and more on you and your own problems.That was one of the biggest mistakes Elijah made.Listen to what he said : “I have had enough,Lord,take my life;I am no better than my ancestors.” (I Kings 19:4) Elijah had completely lost sight of God.He was attending the one party you should never,ever be a part of and that is a pity-party.I’ve got some news for you – God doesn’t do pity parties.God will have compassion on you;He will not feel sorry for you.Listen to how God dealt with Elijah.“There he came to a cave and lodged in it.And behold,the word of the Lord came to him,and he said to him,‘What are you doing here,Elijah?’ He said,‘I have been very jealous for the Lord,the God of hosts.For the people of Israel have forsaken your covenant,thrown down your altars,and killed your prophets with the sword,and I,even I only,am left,and they seek my life,to take it away.’” (I Kings 19:9-10) Elijah was doing what a lot of depressed people do–convincing themselves that they are all in this all by themselves, “I am all alone,” “Nobody cares,” “I am all in this by myself,” “There is no one else that can help me.” God steps in and changes his entire focus. “And he said, ‘Go out and stand on the mount before the Lord.’ And behold,the Lord passed by,and a great and strong wind tore the mountains and broke in pieces the rocks before the Lord,but the Lord was not in the wind.And after the wind an earthquake,but the Lord was not in the earthquake.And after the earthquake a fire,but the Lord was not in the fire.And after the fire the sound of a low whisper.” (I Kings 19:11-12) In effect,what God did was force Elijah to quit looking down and start looking up.He forced Elijah to quit thinking about himself and start thinking about God.Why did God do that? When God has your ear He can speak to you.When God has your heart He can minister to you.The psalmist,who was greatly depressed said this, “I was glad when they said to me, ‘Let us go to the house of the Lord!’ Our feet have been standing within your gates,O Jerusalem!” (Psalm 122:1-2) Depressed people always look down.You’ve got to change your down look to the up look so you can start walking up the down slope. I cannot over emphasize to you that when you are depressed you get into God’s word.You go find His promises.You let Him talk to you.You pray scripture back to Him.Instead of focusing on all the burdens you are carrying focus on all the blessings He has given you.Your picture won’t brighten up until you put God back into it
Posted on: Sun, 02 Feb 2014 06:46:04 +0000

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