One totally disgusted American Hi John, I read your blog this - TopicsExpress


One totally disgusted American Hi John, I read your blog this morning about the delay in the RV and I am feed up and disgusted with everyone involved. When will the Chinese Families realize that they are dealing with a bunch of greedy, lying, thieving, murderous, psycho/sociopathic predators in the guise of human form. These bastards to not represent the American people, they are our captors, jailors and slave overseers. Just because the DC and banker bunch have signed treaties saying they will change their ways doesn’t mean they will… they lie to get what they want. They have a hole in their soul that they are trying to fill with greed and power. If they can’t get what they want, they will implement a scorched earth policy and destroy what they seek so no one else can have it, just like spoiled undisciplined children. Wake up people. Quit giving them more time, they are not going to change, they are addicted to their greed and habits like a drug addict to heroin. The average citizen has had enough. The Chinese families keep saying they are doing this to help humanity, delaying the RV and the release of the other funds is hurting humanity, not helping - plus the Family is losing face and dishonoring yourselves in the eyes of many…so what is the game you Family members are really playing…or are you all so caught up in the details and trying to get a perfect timing for this that you are missing the big picture and the psychopaths maneuvering and games? Enough is Enough, flip the switch and just do this, we can mop up any mess later. One totally disgusted American One Pissed Off American RV is when? Here we are again 2014 and we are F******** Waiting! I was told by my friends who talk with important people that the RV was to go down last night and the true Republic form of Government was too announced and we would be in the banks today doing the deal on RV. Got the call, we have been lied to again or being had. I talked to my friends whose losing their house. They are retired Vet’s. The times are not getting better; this administration continues to lie to us every day. “O” Factor, are you happy about this? One of my other friends witnessed in a bank a retired Vet not allowed access their own back account. Their monthly retirement deposit from government was in the account but bank froze it. My friend overheard the bank telling them when the government releases the check you will get your funds. This just does not sit right with me or make any sense. Vet’s getting screwed again! What is up with this administration screwing the Vet’s??? Did you see the posting by Fulford guy in Asia? He said we need to get ridge of all those igit’s in office. Did you see the word NEOCONS. Wow, I had to look that one up; NEO could be the guy in Matrix or it means NEW. You know what CONS mean, multiple crooks. So NEO-CONS mean NEW-CROOKS. Wow, got it! Funny! I was following Fulford until he said “O” factor is to clean house or he will be in trouble. WHAT!! I lost all respect right there … others call “O” factor as a light workers. By what means??? This dude is just nasty … get it! Did you read about the latest delay from the cabal? The bankers, you know, the M*******F***** who finance the wars, oh no, conflicts, so our young military men and women can go and fight for not a cause but Bankers Profit. YOU know, they make all the money, they continue to enslave the winning and losing countries while they do not care about the victims, that goes for either side and they just keep making money and screwing everyone. Guess what? They just did this last night … delay the RV again!!! OH, Mr. Chinese Family, you and we are getting screwed by the US Corporation & its thieving Bankers. They are continuing to lie, cheat, steal to each of us. As a result of their actions, the US Cabal Corporation Bankers want to put egg on our face while the rest of the world suffers over this request of two more days of delays … And the Cabal got it!!! Come on! To our gracious host & sponsor of the RV / Freeing the world from the bad guys, the Chinese’s Families, I am sorry to tell you they are playing you! The screw ball government in Washington is taking total advantage of you to assist them in continued delays. They continue to take money from the poor to line their pockets, play their platform games and double-quadruple their money while hurting the people in the world. Man!!! This sucks. That also includes you skirt wearing hairy legged Pentagon types that just sit around and pontificate. I had to look that one up!! Funny!! Get to work and let’s get this false government “US Corporation” (found this Act of 1871 and DC Organic Act 1801) out the door and arrest them. If you do not put them in solitaire jail, they will keep on delaying this RV. Why don’t you reinstate the representative system once again in the USA … u know, lawfull (had to look up def.: Law Full-Filled, old English) – de jure (lawfull) – republic form of government (representing the people) - Constitution circa 1789 with the Bill of Rights circa 1791… those guys who did the paperwork and posted on this site seem to have their shit together and established themselves as the lawfull Civilian Authority. Civilian Authority are us people who represent the balance of the people. That is hell of a lot better than any other form of Republic government, even the Militaries - Eisenhower Republic version of 1950 era where the Military is trying to keep their buddies like the CABAL members in controlled of our government once again which is just bullshit. That dam Military Industrial complex once again! Did you know that Biden, Boehner, Rand Paul are Cabal members since they supported the US Corporation. And your military wants to keep them in the offices of President & Vice President. Yea, they are going to fire Biden and move these two jokers up as “Look” at what we did for you People … And did you see they are already trying to mind screw you with the ads of Rand Paul to run in 2016 for President. Would someone ask Boehner and Paul about their Vatican Bank accounts and oh by the way, Ron Paul, what about the bride money taken from Bush Sr. for controlled opposition in the latest Romney campaign … what a farce! I cannot take credit for this one, but it’s good one. When will the giving participants in this BLESSING “Chinese family” realize that they are dealing with a bunch of greedy, lying, thieving, murderous, psycho/sociopathic predators in the guise of human form? OK, that means “O” factor, Biden, Boehner, Paul, General Dempsey from Joint Chiefs who has Vatican account and the rest of the US Corporation false government members in congress. Toss all of them out, those bastards, and get the good people into the offices to get this done, if not, they are just going to continue to throw up excuses to delay. One Pissed off American that had enough, again. Subj: HOA - Charlotte NC - ensues illegal votes to put woman out of her home 01-14-2014 Dear HOA Reform Advocates, My HOA president from 2011 filed a wrongful lawsuit against me on March 14, 2011 for only my protesting emails as the HOA president was guilty of fraud. After we hired a really good attorney they dismissed their lawsuit after keeping it alive for two years and the board dismissed it only one day before court on our attorneys Motion for Summary Judgment. The HOA board had not gained a 75 percent affirmative vote of the association in our By Laws to sue us the first time and then..... Then they filed a second lawsuit and lost that one due to two judges dismissing it stating they had not gained a majority vote of the association to sue that time either. Twice these two women not trained who violated our By Laws billed the association to fill the pockets of the insurance attorney who is the only one making any money out of this. They lost this second time when my 81 and 84 year old parents do not owe any HOA dues and have my town home paid off in full when the HOA presidents own home was in foreclosure. IT IS ABOUT THE EVIDENCE. The evidence shows that the board failed to list our associations corporate office with the Secretary of State as required in N.C.G.S. 55 A 14-20 from 2010 to 2012 when they filed the first wrongful slander tort lawsuit, and without a registered agent they cannot sue anyone, and also such statute which is grounds to close down the association. GET THIS. After the judges told them they had to get a majority vote, they moved to sue my 81 and 84 year old parents and me living on social security disability a third time by attempting to get a vote. They failed to get the vote by three votes. They are scared of something. You cannot take someones home from them based solely on if you do not like them due to me making them follow the laws. Ironically the board does not follow the laws. and do you know who has knowledge of this case ? OUR OWN NORTH CAROLINA ATTORNEY GENERAL WHO IS STATING HE IS RUNNING FOR GOVERNOR AND YET SUPPORTING PUTTING DISABLED WOMENN LIVING AT POVERTY LEVEL OUT ON THE STREETS INCLUDING BEATING UP ON HER 81 AND 84 YEAR OLD PARENTS. NOW GO ONLINE TO elizabethtownes and see that they are trying to hold a second meeting to sue us again a third time and have now sent out a notice as to a February 19, 2014 meeting to get the second vote. BUT in this letter they have listed the homeowners that DID NOT SEND IN PROXIES to force them to comply. they also said online that the old votes on January 2, 2013 meeting in the proxies did not have to send in the proxies again. THIS IS PURE BULL. they have to have a clear second full vote starting over. They cannot just use the old proxies from the first vote. See certification that a judge recently gave to me allowing me to come to court on January 28, 2014 to get my Motion to Set Aside heard. He speaks of Judge Williamsons orders not being found in the court file. That order was appealed and sent to the North Carolina Court of Appeals in the record on appeal. IT HAS TO BE IN THE COURT FILE. We have definitely crooks running our court system. WE HAVE DONE NOTHING WRONG EXCPET ASK TO SEE THE FINANCIALS WHICH RENDERED HUGE LOSES FINANCIALLY TO US in the 2010 audit and 2010 budget and instead of showing good fiduciary faith the board is now trying to screw over honest hard working people who want accountability for the use of their HOA dues.
Posted on: Thu, 16 Jan 2014 06:16:19 +0000

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