One tribal member asked: Why can’t we have our council meetings - TopicsExpress


One tribal member asked: Why can’t we have our council meetings brought to our tribal members? Webcast council meetings serve three purposes. Purpose one: Statistics show that our youth have access to the internet and have been computer literate since they were in kindergarten. They, in turn, can show or inform their elders of the happenings of the council by showing the elders the website and both can watch. Purpose two: Rather than waiting two months for the printed version of the council meeting, the internet is in real time or recorded so council meetings can be accessed at any time and stored for later use. Purpose three: By involving our tribal youth, we introduce the mechanism of government by harnessing their knowledge of the internet. Our citizens have said they can’t come to the tribal complex for meetings. Why can’t we use the internet to televise our meetings? We can open our sub offices and turn on our computers to let tribal citizens view the council meetings. Our youth have the knowledge to use computers mixed with social media technology. Imagine seeing what your counselor voted for, debate why we should pass this piece of legislature and offer transparency through the computer. My platform is about Integrity, Accountability and Transparency. By televising or webcasting, we are capturing the truth on video, we are accountable in legislature what we passed and who debated it, and we are transparent by tribal members seeing what we are doing.
Posted on: Wed, 29 Oct 2014 10:29:00 +0000

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