One very smart Republican buddy of mine a few years ago told me he - TopicsExpress


One very smart Republican buddy of mine a few years ago told me he was very disappointed at Condi for not being able to convince W, Rummy, and Cheney to leave our former friend Saddam of Iraq in place as a buffer to Iran. Alas, I guess Ws wish for revenge related to Saddams attempt to kill his Dad over ruled any such Kissingerian geostrategic calculus. At any rate, I thought it was great that W kept Condi around as a smart advisor and its time to forgive and move on to solve our current problems. This interview of Condi, helps clarify important differences between our two main political parties, but it doesnt make progress on understanding or resolving those differences so we can get back on a more effective track - together. I think the differences revolve around characteristics of two groups which could be called The Controllers vs. The Collaborators. Condi and her buddies in the intellectual circles of the Republican Party generally fall into the first camp, i.e. The Controllers. Their view of foreign and domestic problems is that one has to get on top and control things, in order to find solutions. The Collaborators dont think that way. They see the whole idea of controlling things as illusory at best, and even counterproductive / damaging. Probably there is a middle ground somewhere, where these two approaches can get together, but too often no one finds it or ever bothers to look for it. Citizens deserve better however, thats for sure. I dont know the answer, but I do think understanding the difference between Controllers and Collaborators is one part of the answer. Oh and re. Condis emphasis that we HAVE to lead out there, well... that theory of MUSCULAR INTERVENTION of hers and W / Rummy / Cheney / McCains was starting to make us go broke just as Bin Laden had planned. So, if were going to emphasize the importance of leading, we better also talk and write about which roads and directions we ALL wish to head along. That is to say that the most important feature of leading is the direction the leader wishes to go along. No actual war was ever declared by our Congress and what little consent of the governed that did result from 9/11 was never intended to start up another 30 Years War gig to relearn why preemptive striking is just dumb and to add a new feature of forever spying on all the worlds phone calls including close friends of ours. In retrospect both the Afghanistan and the Iraq warring were needless. Wed have been better off accepting the Talibans offer made to us two weeks before we went into Afghanistan to lock up Bin Laden cause then we would have been able to swoop down and scoop him up from the known location. Instead we plodded on with take down of not just one country but two! Go figure. I guess we were all traumatized and not thinking too well back then but we WERE paying Condi to think straight for us back then and they blew it big time in my humble opinion. Freedom is not free but it doesnt have to cost so much in terms of lost lives, wrecked families and hard earned billions or a trillion of lost cash. Our Exec branchs target list was 7 or so just after 9/11, then grew to be 52 or so in time frame of Iraq war start up, and nowadays is up over 1000 or so. Seems kind of Don Quixote like to me, the fool who heads off on his high horse to stamp out evil everywhere in that controlling sort of way. Let me know when that target list starts to go down in size. huffingtonpost/2014/03/19/condoleezza-rice-us-leadership_n_4988829.html?view=print&comm_ref=false
Posted on: Thu, 20 Mar 2014 10:50:25 +0000

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