One week ago tonight our younger cat Kiya came home at midnight - TopicsExpress


One week ago tonight our younger cat Kiya came home at midnight badly injured. She had two deep bite wound, was in shock, and what seemed to be an open fracture on one of her hind legs. She was in a lot of pain and we couldnt examine her thoroughly. We attended her wounds the best we could, gave her some water and medicine, and at 2 am we all went to sleep, even Kiya. The next day she refused food and water and I told the kids to say their farewell as I feared that going to the vet would be a one way trip. The vet said that she had internal injuries and that $5,000 could not save her. My heart sank. That was the second cat in one month that I had to put down. At least Noui was 14 years old and had a happy long life. But Kiya, just a year old? What could have wound her so badly? The vet said that it had to be a large dog. She lost a canine in the fight. Coyotes are too far from our house and it must have happened close by or she would not have make it home. It is a miracle that she did, considering the extent of her injuries. Anyway, brave little kitty!! After that I went to Trader Joes, When the cashier asked me how I was doing. I just couldnt hold it. I told her the story, choking with tears. She then said...Hold on a second...She grabbed an employee who came back a few minutes later with beautiful flowers. Such a nice gesture! Dont you love seeing those random acts of kindness? The next day my friend Renee, who did not know about what happened, posted on FB a cute cat video. Here it is for all you who had to put down a favorite pet. I want to remember the joy Kiya gave us. https://facebook/photo.php?v=542809632513578
Posted on: Sun, 03 Aug 2014 04:31:19 +0000

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