One would think with how closely the government is apparently - TopicsExpress


One would think with how closely the government is apparently listening to and reading everything we’re saying, writing, and communicating — on our phones, computers, tablets and in every mode possible — that they could hear and understand very clearly what we are saying. So, in the off chance that they really are listening, we’ll spell it out very clearly… No more passing laws you haven’t read… No more taxes… No more productivity destroying legislation… No more encroachment upon our liberties and rights we elected you to protect… No more spying on us and circumnavigating your Constitutional oaths… No more supporting foreign governments that hate us… No more spying on our press, our elected officials, our military leaders… No more gun running to Mexico, Libya, Syria, or any other country or group that we know will turn around and murder American ambassadors, soldiers, peace officers and innocent civilians… No more propping up and supporting governments and brotherhoods we know wish to subvert our way of life and superimpose their religious beliefs upon all… No more fighting endless “wars on x, y and z” at a cost of trillions of dollars with nothing, in the end, to show for it except the tragic loss of our brave, the destruction of our economy, and the return to power those very same evil groups we supposedly went there to destroy… No more legislative action that has nothing to do with recovering and sustaining American exceptionalism, but everything it seems, to destroy it — from amnesty to forced purchases to removal of our tools of self-defense… No more crony deals that favor the few elite and destroy the many struggling producers… No more encouragement of our great American people to sit when they can work, to cheat when they can become honorable citizens, to become less than they can be when they can become more than they could ever imagine, to become enslaved to government handouts and theft of producer’s property and income, when they are mostly capable of becoming proud, independent producers themselves.. No more plundering our wealth through fiat money — the printing of money ex nihilo that with every printing devalues all other dollar-based assets… No more use of our public institutions such as the IRS, DOJ, DEA, FBI and NSA to intimidate and harass citizens simply because their political, religious, or other ideologies are different than yours… No more pandering to those who hate our liberties and desire their own forms of tyranny to replace it… No more feigning care for illegal aliens, protection of our borders, security of our properties, protection of our businesses and livelihoods, all the while enacting legislation to destroy our already in-place legal immigration process and leave America borderless and in ruins… No more lying, cheating, and stealing… No more attempts to take our God-given rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness and any form this takes… Clearly, as you can see, hear, and decipher from your now obvious many forms of eavesdropping, mining and transgressions upon our privacy — we do not need to spy on you, our elected and appointed public servants, to know exactly how you are transgressing against our foundational rights, liberties, laws and principles that define America. You do this bold faced, in broad daylight, without apology. No more! Can you hear US now? Defend Liberty. Destroy Tyranny. Protect our Bill of Rights. Read more: janmorganmedia/2013/06/dear-government-can-you-hear-us-now/#ixzz2Xd9KM8jO
Posted on: Sat, 29 Jun 2013 18:15:07 +0000

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