One year. Weve made it a full year...only by Gods grace can we say - TopicsExpress


One year. Weve made it a full year...only by Gods grace can we say we have survived somewhat successfully. God has provided for us in a myriad of ways - not the least of which is the amazing and faithful Wright Team!!! God bless you all!! Your care and support has been the means by which we have pulled through many a tough day and accomplished tasks beyond our capabilities. Thank you....I can never say it enough! I havent known what to do to mark this day. To my mind, it deserves something honor the special man whose heavenly breaths began a year ago today. But he was also content with little. So, here I sit. In his chair, drinking coffee, wrapped in my blanket covered with pictures of us as a couple, listening to his favorite playlist (607 songs), using his MacBook Air, praying the Apple TV gizmo will see Michaels photos and begin showing them, and writing this post plus some notes to people just as he would have done. The first song that played was Amazing Grace and what could better encapsulate our journey but the words It was all because of Gods amazing grace? How can we ever express our gratefulness to the faithful, all-wise, all-powerful God Who has been our Counselor, Guide, Teacher, Strength, Comfort, Father, and Husband?? I will never stop telling the story as long as there are those who will listen. Theres no better way to beat the blues than by recounting the ways God has been true to His Word and faithful to our family! In a bit, I plan to paint maybe...I have some special things to take out to the cemetery...we have some company coming in today for the weekend to pray with us, cry with us, care for us, and remember Michael with us. Right now, the children are out with their Grandma (Michaels mother) for lunch. There are no crazily grandiose plans for the day, but somehow, I think its just as Michael would have wished us to spend the day...God-glorifying music, time with family and friends, doing our best to encourage each other and others around us. Know your prayers are working. God has carried us through the extremely rough past month and a half, ending in an especially rough week this week, and He is with us today...bringing healing to our hearts and souls. I listened to Michaels funeral again this morning...hearing much I didnt hear before. It wasnt depressing in the least! In fact, it was just the opposite! What a blessing to hear how much Michael meant to so many others! And the music was so uplifting! Bro. James Planks sermon was just as Michael desired...a beautifully presented Gospel message clear enough to reach any hungry soul listening. Thank you to each one who participated and attended that event. Michael often said he didnt think we should have his funeral there because we wouldnt fill it up. How wrong he was...he had no idea how much he truly was loved and respected! Maybe now that hes with Jesus, enjoying the freedom of breathing without lung tumors, walking without the aid of crutches, maybe Jesus has let him see the rest of the story...just how many lives have been and are being touched by his life! I hope so... Im grateful to have been chosen to be the wife of such an amazing man. I have never one moment regretted it. I will forever hold his memory close and thank God for the privilege of sharing his life for so many years. My children are truly blessed to have had him as a father. God bless each and every one of you....thank you again for caring.
Posted on: Fri, 16 Jan 2015 19:14:27 +0000

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