One year ago our lives changed forever. We all developed this hole - TopicsExpress


One year ago our lives changed forever. We all developed this hole in our hearts that cant be filled. Life goes on but you never move on. People expect you to go back to normal after a given amount of time. But our normal has changed. We cant go back to who we were, we can only move forward and try to make the best of it. Im truly blessed with a wonderful family who came together with Godly strength, friends who support me through thick and thin, and most of all a husband who understands and lets me mourn however I see fit. The past year I lost my only brother, I got married, and in about 12 weeks will have a baby. Talk about a roller coaster! Id like to share some info that has helped me. Most of you know the scripture that says a thousand years on earth is one day in heaven. Well with the help of Cheree , Ive done some calculating. You can take the number of seconds a person has been gone from earth and divide it by the number of seconds in a thousand years and it will equal the number of seconds they have been in heaven . Wade has been gone one year to us, but heaven time he has been there 0.001 seconds! That is hard for our earthly minds to fathom, but how great is that. Knowing his life in heaven has just begun, by the time we get there he will feel like he just got there only moments before us!
Posted on: Mon, 31 Mar 2014 12:28:29 +0000

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