One year ago today, I, along with many others, suffered a - TopicsExpress


One year ago today, I, along with many others, suffered a devastating emotional blow when we learned that Safe Haven Animal Sanctuary in Georgetown, Delaware, had closed two weeks sooner than we had been told it would, ending our efforts to save the remaining 19 unclaimed, alone, yet hopeful, dogs that were still at the facility. The memory is still as painful and raw as it was November 14, 2013. Knowing our dogs died alone and scared is something I will never get over or forget. It is the reason I do what I do, through this Facebook page and more behind the scenes. Learning that people you trust arent who they appear to be is a betrayal of the worst kind, especially when those people present an entirely different persona or face to you, yet are working diligently behind you to destroy everything you are trying to save. And I learned that devastating lesson the hard way last year when I was grieving over such an unnecessary loss of lives due to private agendas and politics of animal welfare. On October 28th last year, I sat down and wrote an emotional plea from the depths of my heart to the citizens of Delaware to help the dogs whose futures and lives hung in the balance at Safe Haven. My heart was breaking, but I had HOPE. Hope that enough people would step up and save these beautiful creatures I had fallen head over heels in love with while volunteering for Safe Haven. And so many of you did step up and I am eternally grateful for the lives you helped save. When I see photos of former Safe Haven babies in loving homes and enjoying life, it brings tears to my eyes and a smile to my lips each and every time. But I also carry the grief of 19 amazing and beautiful dogs lives that ended. I live with the grief each and every day. Grief for trusting those who should never have been trusted. People who pretended to be something they werent. People who have been given the legal authority over Delawares companion animals. At one of the most emotionally vulnerable times of my life, my usually spot on instincts were flawed. All the proof was there had I only had the time to investigate. Too busy trying to save lives to deal with the Safe Haven detractors and destroyers. But in the year since 19 pieces of my heart were murdered, I have had time to investigate. And what I found has driven me to save as many dogs as I possibly can with the help of so many wonderful people. YOU know who you are. And you also know why our actions and efforts are usually not made public unless necessary. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. The entire story of Safe Haven will, one day, be revealed, that is for certain. The 19 beautiful pieces of my heart demand it. And those who helped to intentionally destroy Safe Haven deserve it. We never received justice for the lives of Wilton, Mazzie, Cleatus, Camilla, Pirate, Whittaker, Brandi, Marcus, Jazzy, Rubi, Jessie, Humphrey, Club, Grayson, Douglas, Icarus, Saffron, Fletcher and Jibbs. And we never will, because there is NO justification for what happened. But what we can do, moving forward, is everything in our power TODAY to help the innocent animals of Delaware who are crying out for help and justice from those who do evil under the guise of helping. As my followers are aware, I refuse to support certain animal welfare organizations, specifically those who associate closely with KCSPCA/FSAC and instead call for accountability, transparency and oversight of the pound here in Delaware. That is because this past year has shown me the absolute worst in humans who claim to be working for the animals when they are, in fact, doing the exact opposite of what they should be doing and everything they can to undermine and destroy the efforts of others. Others who do what they do out of the goodness of their hearts and without agendas. To you all, know this. You are not alone in the unjustified actions and attacks from these groups and people. They have left many undeserving victims in their wake. Reach out. Help and support is available. There is strength in numbers and more and more of you ARE speaking up and out for our animals. Thank YOU! AND Please continue to do so. Change will NOT be effected unless we all stand strong and stand together united for the animals. The lives of 19 innocent dogs murdered at Safe Haven ARE worth that much and so much more. As are the lives of the animals suffering and dying at the facility that has been authorized with the care and welfare of Delawares abused, lost and homeless animals. - TM
Posted on: Fri, 14 Nov 2014 21:08:26 +0000

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