One year ago today my husband had his Aortic valve replaced (open - TopicsExpress


One year ago today my husband had his Aortic valve replaced (open heart surgery) It has been a roller coaster ride of emotions and the most difficult yet the most spiritually blessed ever. We found peace through Christ Jesus in the midst of a raging storm of uncontrollable circumstance. Our faith in the good of mankind was restored by the out ward showing of love ,support, most of all prayers.We witnessed miracles when Dr.s told us there was no hope. Never give up hope never give up hope though mans ability may be limited God is all powerful and is in no way limited! Being forever mindful that ultimately Gods will be done not my own.I watched my children grow in faith. Our precious grandson saw that God is real! and as a result accepted him as his personal Lord and Savior.God works all things for good for those that love him and are called according to His purpose. Through all the darkness so much good came.The days ahead are still so unknown as we continue to pray for his recovery. All of our days are numbered. There is a beautiful song our daughter n law sings that sums it up I wanna die living for the Glory of God not dying everyday that I live. The Joy of the Lord will be my strength if I lose my joy I lose my defense! So Im hoping ,and praying ,and giving,and LIVING in the good ole gospel light,I can live my life for the cause of Christ,and die living for the GLORY OF GOD! so Very Thankful for all the Blessings of this past year and Thanking God for all the Blessings to come!! Have a wonderful day!!!
Posted on: Fri, 28 Mar 2014 18:11:02 +0000

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