One year and 4 days ago, our lives changed completely! We expected - TopicsExpress


One year and 4 days ago, our lives changed completely! We expected to walk out of that appointment with two healthy, completely normal babies. But little did we know, God had a totally different plan in store for us. Walking out of that appointment I was so scared, and heartbroken, confused, my emotions just all over the place. How was I going to get through this? How could Justin and I do this? Why us? How am I going to be able to take care of a child that needs a lot of my attention while also taking care of her twin sister? Would our marriage survive all that it was about to face and endure? In the midst of all the selfishness and worry, not once did we ever stop and think, How is Bailee going to deal with this? The person actually going through all the pain and suffering, we never even thought how it would affect her. At three weeks of age, she went through her first open heart surgery. Seeing her in pain and agony, it finally clicked. All my worries and fears were nothing compared to what this little girl was going through. My selfishness went out the window and my mommy instinct kicked in and all I could do was worry about her and making sure she was ok. At that moment, I vowed to give her the best life possible because she deserved that much. While I was selfish and didnt know how I was going to handle my daughters condition and all she was going to be facing in life, Bailee never let it get her down. To this day, she has smiled through every procedure, doctor appointment, surgery, and needle poke with grace! She truly is one tough, amazing little girl; my true hero! One year and 4 days ago today, our lives changed completely [for the better]! God brought hope, faith, and inspiration into our lives!
Posted on: Tue, 28 Jan 2014 11:00:43 +0000

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