Onioma people in Delta State started agitating to produce the - TopicsExpress


Onioma people in Delta State started agitating to produce the governor in 2015 over 8yrs ago and even took the issue to the president to ask for his support in order for them to achieve their goal over 4yrs ago if I can remember vividly, the Oro people in Akwa-Ibom have been on this matter over 7yrs ago... I travel quite a lot and in Benue, Nassarawa, Delta, Lagos, etc; youll see and feel the pulse of political activities in top gear with posters of real and fake contenders for governor and other political positions dotting every corner of their streets... But in Cross River State, everyone except Jeddy Agba is waiting to be anointed and virtually dragged to government house by Sen Liyel Imoke CON... What a shame! Dont get me wrong, I have tremendous support and soft spot for Imoke and his rural transformation focused policy and have as a matter of fact refused deliberately to criticize his administrations shortcomings even to the point of feeling as though am a part of his government. I like his style and generosity, but as a comrade, I would never wait for anyone to anoint me to become anything. If I want something, I will go for it, if I fail I will be glad that at least I attempted but failed. Power is not given, it is fought for... No one who has been given power on a platter of gold has ever done well, even in our recent history. I make bold to say that if I wait 14days from now, and I dont see a very coordinated front from the north doing the needful, or a serious independent contender to Peregrino House in 2015, I will join the Jeddy Agba campaign team uninvited. The picture I get at the moment from Northern Cross River State is that of a lazy and directionless people waiting for their destinies to be decided by another... I dont think I want to be identified with such! Hence, my message is... wake up people of the North! Wake up from your slumber!! Wake UP!!!
Posted on: Sat, 05 Jul 2014 22:57:38 +0000

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