Online mosquito forecast for your area: Being outdoors means that - TopicsExpress


Online mosquito forecast for your area: Being outdoors means that you will be more vulnerable to mosquitoes and their nasty bites. Mosquitoes are not only a nuisance but their bites can be deadly. The diseases transmitted by mosquitoes include yellow fever, encephalitis and malaria. Of particular concern in the U.S. is the West Nile Virus. The symptoms of the virus include headache, high fever, stiff neck and tremors. They can lead to a coma and even death. Most medically important mosquitoes bite at dawn and dusk. If you are outside at these times you should wear pants, socks and a long-sleeved shirt. Don’t forget to use repellent on your clothing and skin containing DEET. Follow the instructions for proper use. For an hour by hour forecast of mosquito activity in your area, just search “weather channel mosquito forecast” and click the link “mosquito activity forecast”. Just enter your zip code for current information in your area. Call Enviroguard Pest Solutions at 706-965-9078 to rid your property of mosquitoes and their uncomfortable bites.
Posted on: Fri, 28 Jun 2013 13:20:04 +0000

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