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Online Signature: An Independent Investigation Into Allegations of Organ Harvesting of Falun Gong Practitioners in China By David Matas, Esq. and Hon. David Kilgour, Esq. youtube/watch?v=qlWlYV8V824 Organ Harvesting Exposed, Part 1(1/2) youtube/watch?v=W57GDcRwOHo Translation of Chinese in poster : The Chinese words state this is the most evil crime ever committed on the face of the earth, since 2000, over 40,000 Falun Gong practitioners heart, liver, kidney have been harvested alive and sold to patients around the world at high prices and the rest of the dead body would be burned. Up to 2006, 3,000 Koreans, 1,000 Taiwanese, also Japanese and foreigners went to China for organ transplant..... A large number of Falun Gong practitioners are still being illegally detained and have become source of organs for Chinese Communist Party. youtube/watch?v=3r8OpeaMblE Free China Theme Song Music Video: The Courage to Believe STOP Organ Harvesting In China SOS Your signature can save lives Organ harvesting of live human beings in China is the most evil crime ever committed on the face of the earth. By letting people know this important news, I am preventing peoples conscience being harvested because if conscience is being harvested, that means this person will technically not be qualified as a human being ! Thats why it is so important to let people know. Please sign and help to spread the words. Thanks An evil crime, unseen in this planet, is being committed in communist China, nationwide..... Every year, day and night, organs are forcefully harvested from thousands of live and healthy prisoners of conscience, namely illegally jailed Falun Gong practitioners, and transplanted for profits. Throughout the 1990s, the Falun Gong spiritual and meditation practice became immensely popular in China. But in 1999, the Communist Party launched a violent campaign to suppress it. Hundreds of thousands of innocent people were abducted and sent to prison camps, many were tortured, some to death. Since 2006, evidence has emerged of a more horrific crime,organs were harvested from detained prisoners of conscience, in particular from practitioners of the spiritual self-cultivation practice Falun Gong. In July 2006, two Canadian investigators, David Matas and David Kilgour, have published their first report on the allegations and concluded that there is significant evidence to say, that these allegations are true. The co-authors continue to collect evidence and up to date, they compiled more than 50 pieces of evidence, including phone recordings of doctors from Chinese hospitals stating that they use “fresh organs” from Falun Gong practitioners. In 2012, a retired Chinese military physician admitted to an investigator of the World Organization to Investigate the Persecution of Falun Gong (WOIPFG), in a phone call (original phone conversation in Chinese language), that organs were being harvested from detained Falun Gong practitioners, and that the court had officially approved such practices.According to prior investigations, senior Chinese Communist Party officials are involved in directing the forced organ harvesting from living Falun Gong practitioners, who are killed in the process. We, the undersigned, are concerned about the unethical organ harvesting from living Falun Gong practitioners and other prisoners in China and request from the President of the United States, the President of the European Parliament and the Secretary-General of the United Nations: • Publicly call upon China to immediately end the unethical, forced organ harvesting from non-consenting, detained Falun Gong practitioners; • Publicly call upon China to immediately end the brutal persecution of the peaceful spiritual practice Falun Gong; • Combine the efforts of the United States, the European Parliament an the United Nations to take international actions, including adopting resolutions that condemn the inhumane practice of organ harvesting from prisoners and launching further independent investigations.
Posted on: Thu, 06 Mar 2014 11:51:18 +0000

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