Only 28 days to go now until Nick comes home (but whose counting?) - TopicsExpress


Only 28 days to go now until Nick comes home (but whose counting?) We have a discharge date of 15th December. Team Nick has been assembled - consisting of carers, physio, speechie, OT, neuropsych, (didnt bother with a dietician - wonder why?), equipment has been ordered and our home modifications are well and truly underway. Nick came home to share his brothers 21st birthday lunch - not what most 21 year olds consider a 21st party, by my beautiful big boy just wanted to have his brother there. We had a really lovely day. Nick also attended the BGS Valedictory afternoon. Dressed up in his uniform, he looked so handsome. His mates helped him to stand throughout the final speeches and singing of the school hymn at which point I had a bit of a cry (bit of an understatement) but they were tears of joy as Nick sang along. Who would have thought that he could have come this far in a relatively short period of time considering the extent of his traumatic brain injury. Nicks progress continues to snowball. He is now walking without a harness but still with the help of a frame and his physios. He walked 50m the other day. He is also rolling over in bed now and managed to get himself stuck between the bed and the wall which he thought was hysterically funny. He is now able to eat almost anything, including tucking into a steak for lunch yesterday washed down with about 3 mouthfuls of beer (dont tell his doctor). Now Nick cant say hes never had a legal beer. We have photos to prove it. He can also swallow tablets now with food instead of having them crushed up. He has an operation to lengthen his left achilles and calf muscles scheduled for later this month. This will help him stand with both feet flat on the floor. His balance and gait should improve also. Must admit Im a little nervous about him going to hospital and the general anaesthetic but one of us will be with him 24/7. All of this progress is tinged with sadness as recently Nicks HDU buddy of 7 months lost her fight against her traumatic brain injury. Another beautiful soul taken by another stupid young male driver who walked away unhurt and may never be held accountable for the consequences of his actions. Makes me livid. The next time I post Nick will be home and we will have enjoyed a beautiful Christmas with all of us together again - Nicks comment make it a good one Mum.
Posted on: Sun, 16 Nov 2014 07:58:45 +0000

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