Only JUSTICE brings PEACE into a LAND You cant expect PEACE in - TopicsExpress


Only JUSTICE brings PEACE into a LAND You cant expect PEACE in a Country where criminal of felonies enjoy freedom and fresh air. You cant expect PEACE in a Country where rulers are the high-promoters of insecurity through their utterances and actions. You cant expect PEACE where corruption and nepotism replaced morality and merit in Governance and appointment of services. You cant expect PEACE where rulers steal the common wealth of the nation and lie to public that they are carrying out developmental works for them. You cant expect PEACE where poor gets poorer by every passing day, while the rich goes up in his richness with the money stolen from that poor man. You cant expect PEACE where youth are turned into thugs by political rulers, into tribal fanatics by traditional rulers, and into religious extremists by religious rulers. You cant expect PEACE where a school dropped-out politician takes a higher salary in a month more than that which a school teacher takes in three month of service. You cant expect PEACE where poor goes to bed with an empty stomach and wakes up with no food to feed on, He or His family. Everything can happen! You cant expect PEACE where an official person siphons off a project allocation into his account and then left by authorities with no punishment. You cant expect PEACE where embezzlement and misappropriation of public funds is nothing to bother about and atimes covered up by Govt officials. You cant expect PEACE in NIGERIA where POOR man lives in an abject poverty, and the ruler lives in luxury, but with the poors share of bread which he shamelessly stole from him with his damned PEN and in a public office! For any Country longs for PEACE to freely reign in its territories, it must take JUSTICE with strong determination and high commitment. There is no Country which came into being violence-free, but JUSTICE is what ensures safety for all. Nigeria, in just recent years, in spite of the different backgrounds, was so aloud with PEACE in every corner; but when injustice infiltrated into the ruling class, and overshadowed the good minds of the rulers, things changed to uglier and nastier condition and everything fall apart. However, we still have a very strong faith and optimism in change, and that NIGERIA would soon overcome its ills, shakes and imbalances; for we really foresee a light of change emanating from all of its sides. May Allah bring PEACE to my Country and may He bring a positive change into my Land.
Posted on: Wed, 12 Mar 2014 11:10:57 +0000

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