Only When Our Mind And Heart Are Full Of The Love Of God Will - TopicsExpress


Only When Our Mind And Heart Are Full Of The Love Of God Will Words Of Praise And Thanksgiving Be Uttered From Our Lips A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in pictures of silver. Proverbs 25:11. {OHC 295.1} Speak To Me - https://youtube/watch?v=Qsr52EWh1yU The words of our mouth and the meditation of our hearts cannot utter praise and thanksgiving to God unless we are constantly in connection with Him. There are some Christians who believe that it is wearied to be talking about God all the time. They believe that conversations that focus on God all the time is tending towards being fanatical. It is very serious when followers of Christ find it too much to talk about our Lord and Saviour all the time. I wonder what we are going to do when we get to heaven and all the conversations around us are about the God. I wonder how we are going to feel when no one else around us wants to talk about nothing else but Jesus. While we are pilgrims passing through this earth, God is preparing of for the heavenly Canaan. In the summary of the lesson for today, the writer is reminding us that our conversations, whether listening or participating, should not include foolish talk. 1 Tim. 4:2 says “Let no man despise thy youth; but be thou an example of the believers, in word, in conversation, in charity, in spirit, in faith, in purity.” Think about it for a moment. If God should be present in all our conversations would we be comfortable with Him being there based on the content of the conversation? There are some of us who don’t really understands that God is always present at all our conversations. It is possible that because we cannot see the Holy Spirit we may have assumed that He is not present while talk about all sorts of things during our daily conversation. Since God is all knowing, we must realize that He has knowledge of all the conversations we would participate in long before the world was created. So instead of thinking about how to control the conversation when a church brother or church sister is present, we need to ask the Lord to transform our thoughts and our minds so that words of our mouth and the meditation of our heart will be acceptable in His sight. In 2 Peter 3:11 we are also reminded of the following “Seeing then that all these things shall be dissolved, what manner of persons ought ye to be in all holy conversation and godliness,” Here Peter alludes to the fact that all our conversations should be holy if we intend to make it to heaven. This morning God is calling us to surrender all to Him so that He can continue to work of transformation in our heart. When God completed this work in us we are not going to have “great thoughts, noble aspirations clear perceptions of truth, unselfish purposes, yearning for piety and holiness,” which will “bear fruit in words that reveal the character of the heart treasure.” I pray that we will continue to give the Holy Spirit full control of our hearts and minds so that our words will edify our bodies and those who heart them. Some are seen to come forth from their daily communion with God clothed with the meekness of Christ. Their words ... come forth sweetly from their lips. They scatter seeds of love and kindness all along their path, ... because Christ lives in their heart. The tongue needs to be educated and disciplined and trained to speak of the glories of heaven, to talk of the matchless love of Jesus. There are souls who err, and who feel their shame and their folly. They are hungry for words of encouragement. They look upon their mistakes and errors until they are almost driven to desperation. Instead of ... reproving and condemning and taking away the last ray of hope that the Sun of Righteousness sheds into their hearts, let your words fall as healing balm upon the bruised soul. Be not like desolating hail that beats down and destroys the tender hope springing up in the hearts. Leave not the hungry, starving soul in his helplessness to perish because you fail to speak words of tenderness and encouragement. The most persuasive eloquence is the word that is spoken in love and sympathy. Such words will bring light to confused minds and hope to the discouraged, brightening the prospect before them. The time in which we live calls for vital, sanctified energy; for earnestness, zeal, and the tenderest sympathy and love; for words that will not increase misery, but will inspire faith and hope. We are homeward bound, seeking a better country, even an heavenly. Instead of speaking words which will rankle in the breasts of those that hear, shall we not speak of the love wherewith God hath loved us? Shall we not try to lighten the hearts of those around us by words of Christlike sympathy? Those who love Jesus Christ will contemplate His character, meditate upon His words, practice His precepts, and become living missionaries. The words they speak will be like apples of gold in pictures of silver. (Our High Calling, pg. 295 – Ellen G. White)
Posted on: Fri, 14 Nov 2014 10:48:14 +0000

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