Only ideology to share with communism and Nazism podium dedicated - TopicsExpress


Only ideology to share with communism and Nazism podium dedicated to the deadliest in human history ideologies, Christianity remains a dominant ideology in many Western countries, including the worlds policeman, the USA. It is time to open the Black Book of Christianity: 2000 years of terror, persecution, repression. Begin modestly by the Black Page of Christianity, which summarizes some of the worst atrocities in the name of the ideology that claims to promote the love of neighbor. A year The gods were not, and God was not. The Roman Empire guarantees freedom of worship. Atheism and reason prevail in cities. The gods are mythical figures, allegorical representations of the forces of nature [Reference]. It was at this time that a guy who is born, some say Jews lost the right because he reads the Torah too young. He founded a sect which seeks to prohibit the worship of gods other than their own. The type was finally put to death, but his sect spreads with the success that we know. The cult of personality for the founder of the sect reached among Christians, a level that even Stalinism does not equal: the founder proclaimed truly man and truly God (God-Man would say in normal language). Those who doubt are declared bluntly heretics, and later suffer the wrath of the Inquisition. From the 4th century AD begin killing Christians by non-believers. 50 -150 The Christian sect grows. Greek texts, written by members of the sect out of Palestine (The Gospel) relate to the life of the founder of the sect, born of a virgin, who would remain a virgin despite several other children, he would have healed the sick but also cursed a fig tree would dries instantly. It would also precipitated hundreds of pigs that did not belong to him in a lake. This character, who defends the poor, but also says all those who will be satisfied, and those who have nothing, it will be removed what little they have a little pathetic when cursed a fig tree or leaves crucify declared himself an incarnation of the One God. The fact that, according to the canonical gospels, his penultimate words on the cross were Give me a drink does not seem to disturb the followers of the sect, which soon spread throughout the empire. [Reference] Around the year 50 would be the first pile of books from the Acts of the Apostles, a book of the Bible, Paul, an early Christian leaders, burning with his followers for fifty thousand pieces of silver books Religious intolerance of Christians, aimed openly at the outset, to impose a ban on worship gods other than their own god, who, they insist, is the one God, they soon attracted the wrath of justice Roman, who defends freedom of religion, which is one of the pillars of this complex society is multicultural what the Roman Empire in the first centuries of our era. Christian propaganda cleverly turns the situation. Those who are condemned by the Roman justice proclaimed martyrs, their remains are venerated in churches, we invented the legend as what they summers executed for refusing to renounce their faith, which of course is better than naked truth, which is that they have been condemned for being troublemakers trying to impose religious intolerance in a multicultural society.
Posted on: Wed, 13 Nov 2013 23:30:47 +0000

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