Only in Milam County... the people campaign for republicans that - TopicsExpress


Only in Milam County... the people campaign for republicans that raise taxes and then complain that the Democrats are the party taxing us to death. I get it that there is no such thing as a Conservative Democrat in Milam county, but I did not know that they have been replaced with liberal republicans. I had to turn off my notifications for the Milam County Republicans this morning. The hypocrisy is just too much for me and I cant handle it anymore. There are a lot of members that I know and respect, it just seems like they lose all logic when it comes to local politics. Its hard for me to wrap my mind around it all. I am just a technical college graduate and I cant figure out how someone can help a Conservative Republican get elected, say nothing publicly about it when he raises taxes and still have the gall to blame democrats for being the party taxing us to death. I am not just being an asshole here, I want to understand it. I am asking for help here. Please help me understand. Are republicans only against Federal taxes? Is it just that we dont like it when Democrats raise taxes? Is that what I am missing? Are republicans out to raise local taxes so federal taxes can be reduced? Tax increases are OK when its republicans raising the taxes? I need a copy of the local Milam county republican talking points because obviously I am too stupid to understand how it all works. I was also too stupid to understand how a raffle is not a raffle if you call the tickets youre selling chances, so this is nothing new. Maybe I am just too stupid to be a true Milam county Republican. The republican leaders in Milam county are embarrassing. It is a sad state. Here is a question for you... Who was the last person to lower taxes in Milam county? *hint: it was one of those crazy Obama loving, cant be a conservative in Milam County, liberal democrats that local republicans have branded as the party that taxes us to death. I am really shaking my head this morning. Dont look at the local elected officials past, nothing to see here Judge local democrats running for office by their national party platform, not by real local issues, or their past work Dont talk about anything local elected republicans have done bad or wrong in Milam county, thats dirty politics It just doesnt stop. The local Milam County Republicans are just as slimy as the national democrats they are running against. It is embarrassing.
Posted on: Thu, 30 Oct 2014 15:16:55 +0000

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