Only in extreme places does a person know their worth , the - TopicsExpress


Only in extreme places does a person know their worth , the justice scales are not validated of the social conditions for it isnt matters of the mind of rational thought that defines a human beings identity it seems that social closure puts boundaries where social groups can monopolize and their exclusion and that saddest thing is that people are putting others in these same social conditions as the Western Ideology and most are only social actors defined by rational capitalism that created social stratification that creates a deterministic belief system that continues to divide and keep division so strong within First Nations as it already so strong within the square box of the Bureaucracy that keeps an Iron Cage of Power over the People .... and in First Nations that is not who we are it is a double consciousness theory that is so much like a double edged sword, systems within systems that are only to design to keep the poor more oppressed and therefore there is inequalities within social order that has power over like the politics that govern our First Nations we are absorbed into positions , I am presently working on my final essay dealing with legitimacy of positional power of Webers critique as he states the generally observable need of any power, or even of any advantage of life, to justify itself ... He who is more favoured feels the never ceasing need to look upon his position as in some way legitimate upon his advantage as deserved, and others disadvantage as being brought about by the latters fault .... Apartheid and other forms of oppression come with ideological justifications that create rigid status systems that created racial hierarchy that live and breathe within our own First Nations ...Inside the velvet glove is always an Iron fist ...that ruled and still rules out First Nations. We are I. A dominate paradigm and I do believe it is the People at this point that have the Power beyond Nation , Nationalism state and even Ethnonationalism the doctrine of discovery does not fulfill a subordinate position under a sovereignty .... Neither does it define my being a Canadian citizen I am Anishinabe and am not a Double Consciousness Theory . neither does my identity define my status within my Sovereignty within my cultural membership does not define my Identity as being a Canadian , only through exploitation and colonization assimilation of a hegemonic Pupal Bull I am defined as a Ward of the Crown because of a trajectory legitimacy of Power.... No Equality in that structured of Dominance .
Posted on: Mon, 25 Nov 2013 03:42:28 +0000

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