Only love can drive out hate فقط الحب يمكنة طرد - TopicsExpress


Only love can drive out hate فقط الحب يمكنة طرد الكراهية רק אהבה יכולה לגרש את השנאה Effective activism starts with being part of the solution rather than part of the problem. Activism fueled by hate will never work. Its a strain on resources and deviates from actual objectives and inevitably does more harm than any good ever intended. As a medical student, I have had the opportunity to study gross anatomy.I had the opportunity to dissect human cadavers;layer by layer;I can attest to the fact, that beneath that tough outer epidermis, you will find exactly the same essential human tissues and vital components which make up every single human being.Despite ones personal race, color, creed beliefs, traditions, desires and interests;We are all essentially the same.We all have families. We all have friends. We all have distinct and unique personalities, interests and desires. We are ALL human. I recently took part in on a psychiatry consult of a 78 year old woman name Alejandra,who was being evaluated for a surgical procedure. upon evaluation,she was diagnosed with mild form of depression. During our investigation she revealed that the the reason for her angst, was that she blamed herself and others for her failed marriage, past mistakes and current misfortune. Alejandra was unable to let go of the past and stop blaming herself and others. Despite many positive aspects in her life (12 children, many grandchildren, a ranch, and impeccable health). On our first consult, When She was asked to describe to us 5 happy things in her life she just stared at us blankly, unresponsive, unable to think of any.She was fixated on blame and negativity.It was ultimately destroying her emotionally and mentally. After listening to the patient, the Doctora leading the interview paused, and said something profound that really resonated with me. She said: Señora Alejandra, in this world there is no such thing as blame. Blame is something we create as a defense mechanism. In this life all we have is responsibility. Personal responsibility. And shared responsibility. I have never heard something more blunt and more true. For Alejandra, psychotherapy and cognitive therapy treatment were monumental in her recovery. Seeing all the suffering people around her in the hospital also gave her perspective on the big picture. Her change in outlook completely altered her thoughts and ultimately her well being. By the weeks end,after a week long hospital stay, she was smiling and a different more positive person. Reform of thinking and blaming will ensure that she lives a happy life for the remainder of her twilight years This is a belief that I urge you all to adopt. Stop the cycle.Blame is a man made defense for neglect of responsibility. Having grown up in conservative Jewish community, in South Africa, it would be easy to assume that I should fit the stereotypical model of a Jewish person.Although Im not religious or orthodox, I am moderate and conservative in both practice and political views. I respect and admire my family heritage and traditions that have been passed down.Those ideals sculpted and formed the foundation of the person I am today. From South Africa, to Canada, to the USA,I have personally, on multiple occasions, been discriminated against, harrased and threatened for merely being born and representing my culture and heritage. Its very easy to engage in defensive, or equally as ineffective revenge tactics when you are emotionally charged. I have almost been guilty of that just like many, but have paused, and remembered what my mom and dad taught me..two wrongs will never make a make a right For those of you that loosely site the holocaust..I would mind my words if i were you, and not comment on things I know absolutely nothing about--I have walked through gas chambers smelled the charred residual remains of a crematoria, walked past mass graves, and stood in disbelifin front of 20 metric tons of human ash in madjanek, Treblinka, Berkanau and Auschwitz. I stood as my friends sobbbed around me while we listened to a survivor describe her horrific, firs- hand accounts. I came to a realization that human beings are capable of unimaginable evil. They can deviate from their moral compass and engage in dark things,if they let themselves be brainwashed and desensitized to the effects of their actions.My family and most of my friends families defeated many adversities and lost many relatives because of the effects of propaganda and hate. I am a firm believer in that if there is something you dont understand, it is best you dont try educate people in that specific field, as you would only being doing them a disservice by feeding them misinformation.This especially applies to the mass of Middle East experts, ands social media paper-boys and diehard activists Rather channel your passion and support into something conclusive and respectable, rather than contributing to the vicious cycle. I have many Jewish friends as well as Israeli Friends and family. I also have many Muslim/Arab friends. They are all good people. I would never discriminate against their cultures and religions or them as individuals. I value their lives and safety and those of their friends and loved ones, just as much as I do my own. Since the beginning of the current eruption of tension and violence in the Middle East. It has become very clear to me that misinformation is dangerous and that spreading propaganda to show your solidarity or support for a cause does nothing more that precipitate more violence. Its hard to Believe that we live in the 21st century, with a more educated society than ever before. Not to mention open access to a plethora of information. Especially for those whos family are immigrants or minorities who have been discriminated against;whos parents and families have sacrificed everything to give their children a better life in a safe, non judgmental world-- free of discrimination. Dont shame you own name and tarnish the valor of your honest, hardworking ancestors. Most who have a college education and have grown up in extremely privileged societies with luxuries and peaceful existence...its bewildering Why wouldnt you promote the same for Israel and Gaza?? Both powers use media induced propaganda campaigns to gain public support to justify their terrible actions. Encouraging Israel to keep bombing Hamas militants is not a long term solution to stability. The collateral civilian deaths alone is evident that it can only exacerbate an already volatile situation. Being a pawn in a political game is not something I would choose to be part of if I knew better. Politics and well thought out media tactics is all psychology at the end of the day. Its designed to do exactly what It intends. Step back for a minute and dont fall into the trap. Political movements that are defined entirely in opposition to an existing practice or reality have historically never fared well. The anti apartheid movement in South Africa became a movement for democracy and equality..this adoption of a way if thinking is what led to the successful establishment of a democratic South Africa and a smooth transition because of those who opened their minds and embraced change for the better. Promoting hate and extreme ideology of any form without communicating positive content will only condemn that movement. In the civil world we live in today one must realize that there is a standard to keep and without it we would be back in the barbarian ages. I for one would feel foolish or sheepish to help fuel the main stream media machines political propaganda ( whether it be by blindly copying and pasting a post or article, and sharing what is clearly a on sided story with a motive and intent to defame their opposition. This is evident in many of the racist and extremist post iv seen posted by many anti Palestinian as well as anti Israeli post. Thinking for yourself would be more admirable and effective in my opinion. I am not opposed to Jumping on any bandwagon, as I believe every just cause needs a voice. But we must realize there is good and bad being done on both sides and this is not all black and white. I read EVERYTHING with a grain of salt. Supporting destruction or harm of another person is pathological. I do not condone or support bigotry towards anyone. There are-as a whole-infinitely more,harmless innocent people who reside in both the Middle East around the world who are smart enough,to not let pride or dogma cloud their judgment. Perhaps its whimsical to put my faith into the pretenses that as a race we have progressed. But lately Im realizing that that is not necessarily the case for many. If anything I feel bad for those in question and feel worse for your parents who Im sure taught you better. My intention is not to offend anyone or defer you from your solidarity. but rather show you that it is possible to achieve change that can lead to peace. My friends and colleagues all come from a variety of diverse backgrounds, races, religions ranging from Jews,Christians Catholics, Coptics, Muslims, Hindus, Mormons, to name a few. As far as I can tell, we have a mutual respect for each others personal beliefs and traditions ,as well as a mutual interest in the simple desire to be good people. The type of people who want to contribute to alleviating suffering. I, and many who have chosen a career in healthcare, work to improve the lives of ANY persons in need;with the same standard of care, irrespective of their race religion or ethnicity. The people I CHOOSE to associate with do not discriminate against other people. True PEOPLE;who have MORAL Fiber-even when discriminated against themselves--always maintain a degree of INTEGRITY and RESTRAINT, rather than feel the need to get in the last word. The recent anti-Semitic as Well as anti-Muslim antics that have erupted globally over the past weeks are nothing shy of terrifying. I do not claim to be an all knowing expert but I have been fortunate enough to have visited The Middle East 8 times and even spent 1 year as a volunteer. -I spent 2 semesters in my university, working for an advocacy division of Hillel. Our message was one of tolerance, empathy,peace and coexistence. It is possible. That was the environment and mentality we promoted and embraced amongst the student body on our campus. -I have taken part in an international student world leadership conference, to discuss such complicated issues and progressive ways to move forward.Through these personal experiences I have come across many people all over the world, from many backgrounds, all who share the same ideology. For those that want to be activist that actually make a difference then learn about effective activism. Riots and propaganda will never lead to any good. Citing political jargon and age old claims are tiresome and we all need to come to terms, that both parties have a right to exist and self govern. Irrelevant unhelpful details a side.. Lets get a few big picture concepts clear first. (For those that clearly lack intellect) -Not all Israelis are Jews. ( they include Muslims and Christians too) -Not all Jews are Israeli. -Not all Palestinians are Muslim.( Christians are the 2nd largest group) -Not all Palestinians are extremists or anti Israeli or Jews . (Most are moderate) -Not all Muslims are extremists or anti Israel or Jews ( most are secular and moderate) -Not all Jews are extremists or anti Islam or Arabs . ( most are secular and moderate) On both sides of the wall the ruling party does not necessarily reflect the true ideals of the majority of citizens. I recently decided to take time out of my day to educate myself. During my research,I was curious as to what Hamas stood for and wanted to give them the benefit of the doubt as an organization which represent the people of Gaza. (PLEASE NOTE,THIS iS NOT intended to be perceived as BIAS PROPAGANDA..everything iv stated below is verifiable and open source information ..and I urge you to do as I have and MAKE YOUR OWN rational JUDGEMENT. I read a translated copy of Hamass constitution, and what I was shock at how blatantly hateful and discriminatory it was. void of human rights and civil liberties but rather rhetoric of destruction of enemies and hate filled ideology. Im intelligent enough to realize and understand that these political views are NOT conducive with the peaceful message of Islam which is expressed by any of my Muslim friends or the greater Muslim communities around the world! (I have Iraqi ,Iranian, Egyptian, Jordanian, Palestinian, Pakistani, Lebanese, Turkish and Arab-Israeli friends and colleagues). It was frightening to read. I do not think any of us, Muslims included, would ever like to live under their rule and mentality. It is this ideology of their ruling political party that is holding back the Palestinian state and its citizens from the opportunity and freedoms that they deserve. Hamas maintains its stronghold by using tactics of intimidation and terror to maintain political power in Gaza. This is problematic in that Hamas make it impossible for many other moderate, peaceful and democratically inclined Palestinian opposition parties to have a voice. It controls the media and all the regions resources, which are mishandled and redirected towards enhancing their militia..rather than being reinvested into the infrastructure and society. Reform of Such actions would serve as a start to positive change for the ever deserving citizens of Gaza, and put the region on a path to peace. Due to the fact that civilized western powers run the world, and the unfortunate fact that global terrorism is increasing;the reality of the matter is matter who u root for, no mater how you look at it. There will be peace between Israel and the Palestinians only when the Palestinians citizens and international community overthrow or reform the currently non democratic theocrats and kleptocrats in power in Gaza . The Palestinian people deserve better. This type of corrupt radical government is nothing new in the Middle East. Proactive peaceful reform has been monumental in inducing positive change and is evident with the shifting powers and political landscape in countries whose citizens are fed up with the corruption, violence and neglect! Egypt and Tunisia are 2 classic recent examples. My hope is that Hamas can be induced by the citizens of Gaza and the moderate international Muslim community to change its destructive policies. And redirect the future its people to one of prosperity! Sadly, The alternative will be a Gaza, in which civilians continue to pay the heavy price for Hamas’ hatred of Israel and contempt for its own citizens. I can support The citizens of Israel who have the same right as the Palestine to exist and live. But As a person I obviously do not support the unnecessary loss of innocent life for both nations. One does not need to reinvent the wheel or start from scratch as there are many level headed,moderate, activism groups and educated individuals that are committed to compromise and peace for the benefit of the individual lives of the citizens of both nations. These groups and influential individuals are underrepresented by,both Palestinian and Jews around the world. All you have to do is stand behind them and strengthen their fragmented voices!! For any complex system to work all the elements and pieces need to be in sync, this is true when viewing the mindset which needs to be adopted by both Palestinians,Israelis, Muslims and Jews, and the global community as a whole. Some examples: https://facebook/JewsAndArabsRefuseToBeEnemies https://facebook/redefiningpeace https://facebook/MasterPeace2014 https://facebook/pages/Palestine-Loves-Israel/209640082469004 https://facebook/IsraelLovesPalestine https://facebook/IPCRI https://facebook/muslimsagainstterror https://facebook/IsraelisAndPalestiniansForPeace For those starting to raise families. I could only hope, just maybe, you will pause, and show restrain with any political or propaganda-driven-views you choose to express and decide what ideals and beliefs you wish instill upon your impressionable young children. Its evident that general approaches and what has been tried in the past is inefficient and plainly has not and will not work. The only plausible treatment, is progressive activism--which can serve as the catalyst for a new solution and positive change. It starts with a reform of thinking. This had never been more necessary,as the cost of lives and suffering is too great for each side to not be willing to bend. In patient care, we are trained to do no harm. Using rationality and critical thinking, its obvious that if the drug or treatment shows little to no positive effect on a patients outcome, or causes further negative symptoms;Then we stop that drug and devise a new treatment plan that actually works. We also have the sense to refer to solid data,known as epidemiology and public health.This allows us to be able to make decisions based on proven facts, and predict outcomes,with good accuracy..rather than gambling on individuals incomplete knowledge,and competing egos. This world is about compromise. We all know that you cant always have your cake and eat it, So stop huffing and puffing and put that energy to use in a positive manner. For many of you, like myself, remember that in many societies,you may represent your entire culture or race to an individual or group . Take responsibility, as in many cases,your behaviors can easily stereotype your people or culture as a whole. Dont let pop culture social media distort your ideals and judgement.This applies to those promoting destruction of Gaza or Israel, or taking jabs and Jews or Islam.Realize that you single-highhandedly are only holding back the the innocent victims and their families-- on both sides of the conflict whom you are trying to advocate for. I am a Jew. I am a person. I am an activist for peace. I am pro Israel I am pro Palestine.But I am anti-Hamas. I am a medical student and I am for life and for human beings. I refuse to be stereotyped I refuse to blindly choose a side that misrepresent my values and that of my culture. I refrain from the need to join the herd. I refuse to be a tool in propaganda, and refuse to be a victim of bigotry alike. I refuse to put energy or support into a cause with no direction or positive end goal. I choose to think for myself. I choose to practice what I preach. I choose to empathize. I choose tolerance. I choose peace. I wish no harm or misfortune to any of my friends and their families, no matter what their religious or cultural beliefs, and should only hope that you wish that they have no ill-wishes towards my family and friends alike.If you are human, have some self respect and sincerely care about your people and cause-- then take a stand to be part of a new way of thinking. One thats not on team A or team B but rather team C. My Jewish friends and family around the world should not have to fear for their safety or be persecuted for the desire to represent their born culture and religion. Nor should my Muslim friends have to endure harassment with the unfair association with terrorism the Defamation of the message of Islam. Before you forward that obviously one sided article article, before you make that claim, be for you take that jab..think about the ideals of the person behind that voice, which you represent. For those who may have been offended by my post, Thats very unfortunate;perhaps its best you do us both a favor and remove yourself from my friends list, if you feel so strongly. I do not wish to associate with anyone who has an unrelenting hatred towards any person. As for Those Wolves in Sheeps clothing amongst us--the ones who wish harm to me and my friends and family--Muslim or Jew. It is clear you are in fact racist and not a team player, and evidently you are hypocrites. Your ignorance and double standards are a disgrace to your culture and people. I hope you would have the courage to to tell me publicly what you really think, so I and the rest of the world can see the real type of human beings hidden behind those masks of insincerity. Dont forget, an apt pearl of wisdom,passed down from the Chinese proverb Confucius. On a path to revenge, dig two graves. The An eye for an eye mentality is only embraced by gang and mafia culture, who have no regard for rules and human life. This path is self destructive. Tolerance and respect is a choice. The CHOICE is YOURS
Posted on: Sun, 27 Jul 2014 13:54:12 +0000

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