Only the mind of a man will determine his destiny and nothing - TopicsExpress


Only the mind of a man will determine his destiny and nothing else! The answer does not lie in BLACK FRIDAY, BLUE MONDAY or any other colored day. The answer lies in our determination to get out and VOTE. The answer lies in our determination to get off this ratchet roller coaster we have allowed ourselves to remain on for far too long all because of FEAR! Did you know that FEAR was Satans number one weapon of MASS DESTRUCTION? Well it is. We have deteriorated so to a point that we have become way more afraid of living than we are of dying. FEAR hides a whole lot. FEAR will make you stand in a mirror and lie to yourself and walk away thinking you are okay when you know you are not! FEAR will make you become a puppet to foolish rhetoric when deep down inside you know whats being said is NOT the truth. FEAR will make you walk around with your ass out exposing yourself all in the name of being cool. FEAR will have you frustrated with learning how to stand up and speak intelligently. FEAR will make you settle for crumbs when you can have the whole loaf. FEAR will make you think that having a baby in order to get more added to your lone star card will somehow solve all your problems. Oh yeah, FEAR is his weapon and it is taking people out in mass numbers. And do you know what Satan and his posse are doing? Ill tell you. They are sitting off to the side LAUGHING and cheering you on! Thats right. He knows that all he has to do is dress it up, slap a label on it and serve it to you simply guessed it - FEAR will make you spend your bill money on what makes you look like you prosperous! Oh, and did I mention that FEAR will make you buy what you want and beg for what you need? Well, it surely will. Had enough, because I can serve you more... So whats it gonna be people? In spite of what ANYBODY says, we came on the scene as warriors! We showed up as Kings and Queens! However, we have sadly lost our way. We have exchanged our crowns for crumbs! We are filling up the churches from week to week, yet our temples remain TAINTED! We run, shout and dance all because we say we have the Holy Ghost, yet when the benediction is given...WE GO RIGHT BACK TO THE FAMILIAR! Listen, if the Holy Ghost you are catching on the outside doesnt promote change on the inside, then yes it is simply a ghost. God says we are ROYALTY, but when are are we going to act like it? God says we are CHOSEN...but not for this!! God says that we were created in His image, but we have become so contaminated until even HE probably would pass on looking in a mirror! When is enough going to be enough? We do we become tired of being the worlds ENTERTAINMENT? When do grow sick of being pimped by Satan as his side-piece? When do we humble ourselves and pray, seek His face and turn from our wicked & crazy ways? Well, Ive got news for you...God is not going to hear from heaven, forgive our sins and heal our land until we do. Remember, the land is sick because the people are sick. Yes, we must fight on our knees people! But then we must rise, BOLDLY stand to our feet and CHANGE!!! Is ANYBODY interested?
Posted on: Wed, 26 Nov 2014 09:08:26 +0000

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