Only those who are absolutely sincere can fully develop their - TopicsExpress


Only those who are absolutely sincere can fully develop their nature. If they can fully develop their nature, they can fully develop the nature of others. If they can fully develop the nature of others, they can fully develop the nature of things. If they can fully develop the nature of things, they can then assist in the transforming and nourishing process of Heaven and Earth. But now what has been the conscious work of the few is being given back to the whole of humanity. We all have the opportunity to accept a greater responsibility within the unfolding of life. We have many cultural and psychological patterns that encourage us to avoid the responsibilities that are given to us. We prefer to remain as children. We have even characterized our relationship to the divine as a child’s relationship to its parent, with a divine lather or mother image. This creates feelings of safety and security. But if we look around us we see the illusory nature of these feelings. We are not secure, and life is not safe. The destiny of our planet hangs in the balance. We cannot afford to play the part of children any more. We may not want to take responsibility for the destiny of our planet, but that is what is being given back to us. Accepting our responsibilities means that we can no longer rely on outer authorities. The mediocrity of our present world leaders, their lack of real vision, is evident, but we don’t want to realize the full significance of that fact. It points not just to the corruption dour political systems, but to a deeper transition in which the real potential is being given to the individual. This is part of the shift from a hierarchical model of power and information exchange to a model of organic wholeness through which the energy of our time needs to flow. This is so different from our present image of the decision-making process that we cannot even imagine how it could work. But we are beginning to see a collective awakening to the truth that we cannot look for any saviour outside ourself. Neither a political nor a spiritual leader is coming to redeem us. The development of individual consciousness is pushing us to take real responsibility for life—not just for our individual life, but for the life of the whole. LVL
Posted on: Thu, 05 Sep 2013 10:14:18 +0000

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