Ooooh, I can feel the hate coming my way before I finish this - TopicsExpress


Ooooh, I can feel the hate coming my way before I finish this comment. 1st of all, I am happy to live in the U.S. and be able to enjoy the freedoms and opportunities that I have. I do not condone the hacks or anything else that is happening to Sony but I DO understand why these things are happening IF they really are coming from North Korea. We use comedy and freedom of speech as both reasons and excuses for almost anything these days. Its funny to me how so many people were completely shocked about the hacks and backlash that came and is still coming because of the movie. Where I grew up there was a saying Keep my name out of your mouth meaning dont go around talking crap about me. Now of course nobody can tell you what to do but if you did go around talking about people there was a good chance that if they saw you they would make you think twice about doing it again. Now you may not have ever been in an area like hat, but tat doesnt take away from the fact that places like that exist. Its called Living in the real world. Be honest... If you had an endless amount of money and you hated someone who lived in the U.S. named Kim ,and Kim hated you, and good olé Kim made a movie about killing you to show to millions of people, your mother, father, family, kids ... you mean to tell me you wouldnt do anything? You have unlimited money and you mean to tell me that youre going to just let it slide because its comedy? Hell no, youre going to try to make Kim not want to try something like that again. Most of the time if something like that happened to the average individual in the U.S. there would be a lawsuit. I dont know about you, but I would sue the pants off of someone who used my image/likeness/name and spent millions of dollars just to make fun of me and show me getting killed. WTF? How in the world do we Americans make a huge deal about bullying but its ok to make a movie mocking someone and show us killing them and that should be ok? LET ME MAKE THIS CLEAR, I AM NOT SIDING WITH ANYONE AND RIGHT NOW I WOULDNT WANT TO LIVE IN ANY OTER COUNTRY. But when a fight starts, I have to take a look at what started the fight before I decide to jump in. Many people keep skipping that part for some reason? Some people say They would have done this anyway... what if they did this to a gay movie or a black movie....? What if, could have, would have, should have..... All Im talking about is what started THIS incident and pointing out that THIS incident would not have happened if we were just a little more sensitive as people and had more respect for others who share this world wether we agree with their views or not. Personally I wouldnt want someone doing something like that to me, so I personally would not have done that. Unfortunately over time the desire for a good laugh and making money at the expense of messing with other people has become greater than having respect for people and Im not just talking about this movie. I think thats why many people like myself are looking at this situation like you let a studio turn a movie into an American Cause? I am an American, nobody asked me if they could make that movie. If they did, I would have said no. Nothing against the writers or actors, producers... but If I had a say in it, it never would have happened. Imagine that, I personally could have saved Sony maybe 100 million dollars or more! But that was not the case. I (The American) had no say in it and thats fine with me. Thats the beauty of the U.S. A studio or indivdual(s) should be able to do whatever they want (hopefully legally and with consideration of others). But when the sh#t hits the fan dont then try to tell me this is a fight for American rights and freedom of speech when I (The American) would have said no to making it in the first place. Lots of people would have said yes to making the movie but there was no American vote, it wasnt an American issue or cause. It was individuals who thought it would be a good idea to make a movie about making fun of someone and showing them getting murdered. No, it is not a American cause for me, its a fight that certain people started and they lost round one and their feelings are hurt. It happens. Even Americans cant win every fight. A lot of us Americans feel like we can do and say almost anything but people in other places dont play that. Ive seen how Kim gets killed in the movie and to tell you the truth I was expecting something more comical but it was pretty...realistic looking. If you already know the guy is a little crazy how in the world do you not see him acting out after you slap him? Comedy... freedom of speech... whatever, but you also need to have some common sense and know that not everyone in the world finds your sense of humor funny and people in other places dont care about your freedom of speech. Sometimes when you play a prank or a joke on someone you get punched in the face. Its called living in the real world. Im not saying that its right or wrong, Im just saying. Wake up. Crazy people react in crazy ways. If you start some bullshi@ theres a chance that you might get your butt kicked and it makes it hard for good people to feel sorry for you. Not to mention your actions can result in other people employees getting hurt who had nothing to do with what you started. I REPEAT!!!!!! I love living in the U.S. and enjoying certain freedoms and opportunities. I am not saying how we should or if we should respond to whats going on. Im not saying if it was right or wrong for the theaters or Sony to pull the movie,. Im not sayin if how the President or the government reacting to the situation is right or wrong. Im not going to get into were showing the terrorist that they won... ALL IM SAYING IS LOOK AT THE START OF THIS PARTICULAR PROBLEM AND STOP SKIPPING IT! You never know who youre messing with - black mother circa 1970
Posted on: Sat, 20 Dec 2014 20:35:29 +0000

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