Oooooh Its Radical Self LoveFeature Friday time loves! Today I - TopicsExpress


Oooooh Its Radical Self LoveFeature Friday time loves! Today I have the honour and pleasure of introducing you all to the amazing and so beautiful (inside and out) Eyoälha Eyoälha Eyoälha the founding Goddess of the Jump for Joy! Photo Project I was blessed to be featured in her amazing project a little bit ago. My experience shooting my feature was so amazing. It was the first time the two of us had met in person and right from the second we met up we were on a hilarious adventure. It was like meeting up with a soul sista, so natural, hilarious and playful. I absolutely adore her and I am so excited to share her and her radiance with you all today. Eyoälha is one of those people who just radiates happiness, creativity and youthful energy. Her playful approach to our shoot made it so easy to relax and rock out in the creative flow which I completely appreciate and love about her. Why we love Eyoälha: She is a burst of positivity, joy and truly embodies the spirit of her project: Jump for Joy. She is travelling around the globe capturing the joy of the human spirit while in mid air jumps. Its pretty incredible first off that she is doing this project. Her desire to capture joy in the human spirit, calls joy forth in people. We love that she is the clearing for this type of positive joyful self expression and this is why we have chosen her today. Eyoälha is our featured RSL member today because she knows first hand that if she wants to see joy in others she must first embody it. Her natural jovial state is intoxicating in the best possible way. She is so captivating in her natural beauty that people cant help but smile and enjoy themselves when they are around her. The world can always use more happiness and joy and she is a beautiful messenger and lightworker who call this beauty and joy forth in people. Eyoälhas commitment to live a positive life is incredibly inspiring and I am blessed to call her my friend. She is like the big sister I never had- soft, understanding, compassionate, silly, playful and so clear on who she is and the direction of her life. Eyoälha understands that self love to her is all about connecting inward and honouring her intuition. As a hyper creative individual she really gets the importance of staying true to herself and to put as much love and care into herself as she does into others. This is why she is so fabulous at creating the expression of joy within her work and photography. Eyoälha wishes to leave a legacy of inspiration and encouragement for people to truly jump in and follow their truth and their dreams. By constantly facing her own fears and living her dreams she gives others the permission to do the same. She is here to help us all remember what it means and feels like to be alive, awake and have incredible amounts of fun in the process of creating our dreams into reality. This dear friends is a beautiful legacy to leave and I can tell you all with full certainty that this woman is living her legacy full out and that makes my heart happy and makes her a most wonderful example of greatness to us all. She reminds me of the value of exploration, travel and having loads and heaps of fun along the way which is always a fabulous reminder when life can get a little serious or heavy. Her brilliant bright light is a gift to us all and I am so honoured to spotlight her amazingness today! Her mission to travel the world taking fun photos of creative, passionate people jumping for joy and create a book with 1000 photos of joyful jumpers is pretty epic! She truly wishes to showcase the importance and influence of joy and positive perspective in our lives. She feels the more people nourish joy and make it a priority in their own lives, the more it will inadvertently have an effect on others as well. By making the conscious choice to focus on viewing life in a positive uplifting way the more our lives as whole will be uplifted- we couldnt agree more ;) If you want to find out more about her Jump For Joy Project you can do so here: jumpforjoyphotoproject To connect with Eyoälha: Facebook: https://facebook/JumpForJoyPhotoProject https://facebook/EyoalhaBakerArtPhotography Twitter: @jumpforjoyphoto Instagram: @eyoalha Pinterest: https://facebook/JumpForJoyPhotoProject Radical Self Love to the MAX!!! KG #radicalselflove #RSL #jumpforjoyphotoproject #eyoälhabakerartphotography
Posted on: Fri, 28 Mar 2014 20:40:33 +0000

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