Oops! He is a real man isnt he? He beats on women because he is a - TopicsExpress


Oops! He is a real man isnt he? He beats on women because he is a coward and a pig. I am not going to say that all Muslims are like this piece of trash but the world doesnt show us anything but this kind. The kind that rape children, beat their wives, throw acid in the faces of their little girls, kill the daughter who gets raped but let her rapist go free. The religion of the Muslims seems to be one of violence, evil, hatred and murder. We are told by those who would have us to believe otherwise that this is a religion of peace. I do not blindly believe what I am told to believe. I have a brain and I can decide on my own what to believe. Just because there are those who say we need to be at peace with our Muslim brothers does not mean we are. First, the Muslim is not my brother. Second, I can not be at peace with someone I have to protect myself and my family from. I am on guard against all Muslims. If these vicious animals like we see here are not the true face of Muslims then perhaps those who are the true face of it need to get control over these maggots first. If you are peaceful prove it. By the way, you should start by showing us that you can be at peace among your own kind, but you cannot even do that. If you hate your own wives, children, families and Muslim neighbors how can we ever believe that you do not hate everyone else in the world.
Posted on: Fri, 10 Oct 2014 13:23:27 +0000

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